Woot i did it again ...

So since joining i finally had an LD last night this is not my first time, i have had them naturally before but they are always very few and far between. Ive been using WILD and WBTB which have been pretty tricky to do since i am a heavy sleeper, but now i guess slightly lighter as well thanks to the WBTB.

I am not 100% sure if i made a successful wild or if it was an instant recation DILD as i could have sworn it felt like i had been asleep for ages, i almost instantly clocked on it was a dream as it formed i don’t do RC’s i just knew it was a dream. Do you go to sleep when you WILD in blackness for a time ?

well during this period where i have been practicing my DR is so much better now which is helping alot with the LDing. :happy:

also is anyone going for a 365 LD record at the start of the new year ? …just me then :tongue:

Sounds like a hard quest!

ha. i wish it were a possibility for me.

365 LD’s? i’m sure Lucidity_Master could probally do it :razz:
I’d probally only get like… 3 LD’s :bored:

Hmm i would probably get about 100 or something in a year. Im sure Lucidity_Master could do it to.

If I recall right, his record was 113 LD’s in one month… In november he had 93… In that to 27 december he got 26, ( :peek: at ranking) but he wrote he was busy a bit…

There should be at least one LD dialy, and he don’t falls under that often… I’d be suprised if he wouldnt do that…

BTW I haven’t seen him in a while here