worked last night some form of auto suggestion?

ok before i fell asleep i got into the state of mind that i didnt have a choice wether or not i was going to have a LD and it was going to happen even if i tried not to. so basically i was having a LD and i couldnt stop it it was going to happen. and it worked if you want too see the dream the links in my sig

Sounds like some kind of autosuggestion or self hypnosis. I’ll read your DJ :smile:

The night before last night as I was going to bed I suddenly had the thought “Oh man, I’m gonna have a lucid dream tonight, this is gonna be so awesome!” Then I kinda put the damper on it by saying “Okay, maybe not, but I’m hoping for one” in case it didn’t happen, but I thought it consciously, wheras the first thought had just involuntarily come out of nowhere. Sure enough I had my second lucid moment that night.

i did it again last night and it worked again :smile:

How exactly did you convince yourself?

i said theres a lucidity tank in my mind and it fills up as you think about lucidity its now full and needs to get rid of some of the lucid energy in the form of a LD so i will have one tonight becuase this is happening

I’ll post my results tommorow after using that technique. It makes sense. I think about LDing all the time, I should have one! I will.

that worked for me once, Ive only tried it like 3 times though. but Ill be trying it again tonight. the first time I tried it I actually shouted to myself and said. “you are going to have a lucid dream tonight!!, wheather you want it or not!!” that night I had a lucid dream :smile: the other two times it didnt work, and I forgot this autosugestion thing, so Ill try it tonight, thanks for reminding, cause it really does work. for those that have never tried it… you just have to really convince yourself you are going to LD, leaving out any possible doubt of not having one. shout to yourself if necessary, get angry at your yourself… like I did, whatever works for you, as long as you have 100% security that you will have an LD tonight.
