Worst watch RC ever!

I was walking through a building in a dream, and someone nearby asked me what time it was. I don’t wear a watch, so I was about to say I didn’t know, but then I saw that I was wearing a watch. I thought to myself, “that’s weird, I don’t wear a watch.”

I looked at the analog watch and saw both the short and long hands on the “1”, so I thought about it for a minute. “It’s…um…one-ten?”

I never realized I was dreaming :bored:

Though luck.
Kind of wierd when you don’t wear a watch in VL and the heads were totaly off. :smile:

No I think I had possibly to worst RC misss ever last night. I was being chased by a bunch of cops because I had just shot two in the head, then they stopped chasing me and we were all in a house. They looked scared. I heard the scream of a T-Rex, and I saw what looked like a cpeial forces team shooting the Trex outside the window we were by. I told the cops that I created that that TRex was my creation! and that I ha created it in a previous dream. Which I actually had!!! I can’t believe I missed this.

Wow, that is actully worse. :content:

There must be some reason we pick up RCs on some nights and not others… but what is it? :eh:

i think its that you werent actually doing an RC, if you had intended to do an RC you would have pickd up on it-i remember awhile back i ddnt have my watch and at the time it was my primary RC to double look at my watch, then i started having dreams where a DC would ask another DC if he could see his watch and then id think-hmmm might be a dream- and would look at this other persons watch, i had quite a few LDs at this time from looking at other peoples watches even tho i never did this in RL

but then again i also had a dream where i won lotto and i thought ‘maybe its dream-better do an RC’ and i did and both times i lookd it was the same time…i was happy when i awoke untill i relized im not a multi millionare

Good to see that you can actually read analog time. :tongue:

I know, that was sad. And it took me a few moments to come up with the incorrect answer, too. :cry: For years I even used to wear an analog watch.

It is strange how we can miss such obvious dream signs. I tend to recognize I am dreaming more often in “normal” dreams than really bizarre ones.

LOL i remember when i used to have a pocketwatch IRL and i used it to do RC. I would check it (the kind w/ the hands) and then look away, look back expecting a diff time…in a dream this lady walks up and asks me for the time. I take out the watch, kind of stare at it dumbfounded, but then ‘snap out of it’ and say ‘oh its 10:20’ (or something but thats irrelevant) at which point she just grinned at me knowingly and walked off. I cant help but think after waking that that grin was my subconscious amused that i didnt do my RC.

Lol now i got a digital that beeps every hour at which point i do a simple RC just kind of be aware of my surroundings, i can tell these days if its a dream or reality by that hard to describe ‘feel’ between the two. You can just tell, i guess though that may come from experience or reflection on dreams versus reality. (prob helped w/ a dream journal)

Milod perhaps the reason one becomes lucid more from ‘normal’ dreams is because its kind of like you realize that ‘this is not reality’ cuz you can sense the ‘feel’ thing i described above. Also (the better point) is that perhaps in a really bizarre dream, your focus is so caught up in the strangeness that your mind is less apt to wander, wander perhaps to the idea: ‘am i dreaming?’. How do you act in real life while surrounded in chaos and confusion? If you act kind of hyper or confused or panicky like most other people (versus a calm, collected, thinking mind that observes) then it is no surprise you act the same in a bizarre dream. With me, in a chaos situation i am calm, collected, thinking, and observant. However in my dreams i do not become lucid from this but rather take action and help those around me, direct the confused, etc. I guess in bizarre dreams, all of us forget to consider the bizarre, its cause, its very nature, from which we can become lucid. Such thinking requires attention to be diverted from the present moment of ‘fight or flight’…its like ‘wait something doesnt seem right’ and then the person next to you saying ‘who cares! theres a giant silver ooze melting a path through the city!!’ in a way that brings you back to the present moment of automatically thinking that all is reality and that action must be taken, no room to just stop and think.

It’s is a little different fore me. I have become lucid in bizarre dreams ( that was not what I meant to say above)but, not because I notice any thing strange is going on. I will suddenly just know it is a dream and become lucid. I have never become lucid in any of my dreams because I recognized a dream sign (except one Flying). I used to do a lot of RC and always record my dreams in my journal and study them. It seem like this has some how given me an awareness of the dream state that I just recognize it.

Dubble post. I have no Idea how this one happened.
