Well somewhere on this form I heard about saying to yourself before you go to sleep “I will remember my dreams.” Continue to say to yourself as you go to sleep. I didn’t think this would work, but after trying it I have had immediate results.
So now my guess is that when I go to bed now I should try to MILD and say to myself I will realize I am dreaming?
And it works too ! That’s the autosuggestion method. I’m using it for months and (except these two last weeks ), I generally have good results with it.
I used to use that, but it really isn’t necessary. Really, if you just remember to think back to your dreams when you wake up, you will find the memories coming back to you. If you just get up, and don’t think about your dreams, chances are you won’t remember them. For the average person with no interest in dreaming, the only dreams that they usually remember are dreams that they woke up out of, or memories which have been triggered by something they encounter during the day. I have been trying LDing for a few months now, with some success. I had a few cool LDs, but that’s beside the point. Even when I don’t do any dream rituals of any kind before sleeping, if I just think back to my dreams, I remember them. I remember about 3-4 a night, with no real effort. You just need to get into the habit of thinking about your dreams as soon as you wake up.
I have no idea where you got that impression from, but I’d just like to point out it’s wrong .
Before learning about LD’ing and before learning of the method up above, I’d try to remember my dreams (I really wanted to) but never could. Lots of people who want to remember their dreams can’t.
I used to use that. But it was not enough because I have school now and I am not getting enough time to sleep a whole 9 hours and ontop of that I was getting stressed and I did not have much enthusiasm to remember my dreams in a MILD mantra. Now I am wakeing up in the middle of REM cycles and writeing down my dreams. Last night I went to sleep without setting my alarm clock and my dream recall went from .5 dreams a night back up to 3 dreams a night Lol there is this Big ol gap in my DJ it goes like 10-11, 10-18, 11-4.