Wow. My ears were really hurting.

I woke up in the middle of the night, and went back to sleep immediately. This is how I get alot of my LDs. I felt the usual spinning, saw the usual blackness, and heard the usual sounds but this time, my ears began to hurt. They felt like they were going to explode. As I got closer to the dream, they hurt more and more. I kept telling myself I was imagining it, and that my ears weren’t really hurting, but I woke myself up eventually anyway.

What really surprised me is that my ears were still sore when I woke up. I don’t understand how this could have made me feel real pain, but I don’t think I was imagining it? Has anyone else experienced something like this?

Well, you could just force enter into the dream, and you could make something to relieve the pain.

As for why, there could’ve possibly been a pressure change somewhere.

Hello LUEshi,

Ive had the same a few times, and its probably due to the fact that the nerves and stuff in your ears is very sensitive to certain changes in your brain caused by falling asleep fast.