Last night I wrote about being lucid before bed, then stuck what I wrote under my pillow, this morning I was lucid (I stopped trying for a while so it was my first one in at least a month) then had a false awakening where I did a reality check but was still not convinced I was awake . I didn’t try to write anything serious either, I just wrote lucid all over one page and wrote a crappy poem on another.
Hmm interesting maybe you could give it some more research see if it works again. This is like a form of MILD in a way.
Please get back to us on how you go on with this.
Thnx, Cmon
Hmm what would you call this if it is an efficient technqiue SILD - subconciously induced lucid dream?
No its ‘just’ MILD, since MILD also works largely by inprinting into your subc that you will become lucid.
interesting idea, I saw this somewhere as a preperation to inducing OOBEs. probably works in the same way.