Writing in LD's?

In one of my LD’s i tried writing and it was really hard i only got little squabble marks. Anyone else try this?

Mm. I usually can’t Read or Write in my lucid dreams. So I guess it isn’t uncommon

I don’t think you have to write in dreams. Just move your pencil above the paper and you have written your text. When you look again it will be something different. I can’t read in dreams but I always know what’s written. I believe it’s the same for writing. (Actually I did read something in a dream but it was only one word.)

I was writing quite a lot in my last lucid dream. It felt the same as in RL and i think i could read it at the time (i knew what i’d written) :confused: But when i woke up i couldn’t remember any of it.

At first, there is a text RC - like Ansie wrote. Writing in LD is not a good idea. It’s like you are writing a sencence, but you’re concentrating olny on part you just wrote. So I guess it’s like…

You want to write a sencence for example:

I am having a lucid dream

So, at beginning you are seeing part of text and everything is ok.

I am

But when you’ll get futhrer Text starts to melt and change.

| ªΠ ηα∨ing a

When you end it you look at beginning and it’s not thing you wrote…

| ªΠ ηα∨⊥∩∂ …

Now you look at whole sentence -it’s totally not thing you wrote.

T *n now_Q6 : IdIc 3tejrt


It also depends of stability of dream. And I’m sure that reading in dreams is possible, but text is meaningless. Never writed anything in LD, I olny did it in ND’s and never tried to read it.

Yes, but if you can write ok in an LD then you can start to draw and get better at drawing. That was my goal at the time.

I tried drawing in a LD once, I didn’t like the outcome.
Now that I think about the idea of getting better at drawing in LDs, I am doubtful. Learning to draw is a slow process, It’s very technical, fine motor skills. LDs don’t provide much time for a training session. But I believe Lds can be very good for practising to get into a creative flow when drawing wich is probably even more valuable.

My dreams/lucid dreams are generally very very stable with few phase (dream) shifts and very intelligent DC’s that do “normal” things. I have observed my DC’s in lucid dreams, and they behave “normally.” I can also read text without it changing, and it stays consistent throughout the dream. One example of this is when I entered a store, in a lucid dream and was able to read the brands of soda stocked up on the shelves. Pepsi, Mountian Dew, Coke. Were clearly visible among the other brands of soda. Havn’t tried writing anything yet in dream, but wrote of few poems IRL based around things I have heard my DC’s say that have been pretty motivational for me. My biggest problem is falling back into the dream once I have become lucid.

In real life I don’t even write down stuff, but when I try to read something in a dream it becomes complete nonsense, i.e.: “The captain spaceship beer take really in there we will win!”

I tried writing “increase lucidity” once… it helped but not as much as it would have if i had shouted… Hmmm… when i checked what i had written i didn’t notice any changes… :peek:

Dang, nice concentration there.