Ive only had one low low level LD before and I couldnt control what I did I just knew I was dreaming. so my dog woke me up at 6:30 let him out side then went back too bed. I remember I was talking to my friend in my room and out of no where I say “you know this is a dream right?” and then his pupils got REALLY big that freaked me out. so by this point im at a low level LD and then the clearness just gets better. I remember walking around my house thinking of what to do… then I thought hey lets drive my dads car!!! so I went up to him and asked him “hey dad can I drive the car” and he said “sure” so I snagged the keys and ran and just as I started it I heard him yelling NO NO STOP! so I floored it! now ive drivin a car many times before and it was extrmemly realistic… every time I punched it it would throw me in the seat very fun! so now I come to a point where I can goto downtown or to some of my friends house I decided to go downtown to go school… I dont know why. but just as I was driving there my dream was fading so I rubbed my hands it worked for a few seconds then I lost it this dream certainly inspired me to continue with LDing. and I do recommend driving a car in a LD its lOTS OF FUN! even though I havent even tired flying yet.
Nice, congratulations! I should try that in an LD. I’ve never driven a car before…
Congrats ! Good LD !
How did you lose your LD ? Did you lose the visuals ? Did you wake up ? Did you go back to a ND ?
I was in the car and then I noticed that every thing was getting darker and then it started pulsing and I rubbed my hands it brought it back then it just went completely dark and then I had several non LD but VERY vivid dreams. also I remember the sun shining on my face and I could feel the warth. it was an awesome LD.
steals dfslkfsd’s LD
You should have had yourself and the car spin around very quickly, thats worked for me before
I was dreaming something tonight, then all out of nothing, I just realized, as you say, “this is a dream” then I got all excitet and woke up, then I couldnt even remember what I dreamt
I’ll try again tonight, thats for sure!
dfslkfsd: Yay, well done .
Eldoras: That’s just newbie syndrome, don’t worry, it goes away after a little bit.
Great. Don’t worry your dream control will get better and you will learn to stay in the dream longer.
Happy Dreaming
Wow! I guess I need to get another alarm clock to set off at like 4 AM or something. Maybe I could have a lucid dream easier!
It can’t hurt. Lots of people have success with the WBTB and WBTS methods. It can make lucid dreaming easier for you in the beginning.
gratulations, hope they keep coming.