Yet another question on WILD...

When I was trying WILD again, I was slipping in and out of concioussness. I remember walking down a hallway and someone ran past me, seeing a woman standing on top of a garage,and seeing two people on a school bus talking to each other.

I would remember hearing a faint voice (my own, i think) saying “You are dreaming”. But after a few seconds I would just seem to go back to my real body and resume counting and saying I’m dreaming. I would then see the HI and continue. The problem is that I kept entering the dream unknowingly, then randomly wake up, so I have no control. Is there a better way to do it?

If there is a better way, I don’t know it. :sad: I am at the same place. I kind of skip accross the border between awake and dream, droping into a dream, becoming lucid, then wakeing up. I hope that with practice I will be able to stay in the dream. You can try some of the things to prolong LD’s or incress lucidity listed here, like rubbing you hands, spinning, touching things in the dream, talking to people in the dream, taking a “lucid pill” in you dream or shouting something like “more lucidity”. So far the more I have tried to take control, the faster I wake up. :grrr: I am trying to stay calm now until the dream becomes more stable. Have not been trying that to long, so I have not had much luck. The last one I was able to stay in the dream for about 30 sec’s to a min. which is still a lot better then 2 to 5 sec’s but not enough to really do anything, but I have only been working on WILD for about four months or so, and WILD is one of the most difficult techs. :sigh: So far I have had the best luck with it. I did try WILD, but only had two short DILD’s and then nothing for almost a year befor I started trying WILD.

Tcc, i have the same EXACT problem as you. I’d count, and then see some HI, continue, enter a dream, wake up, rinse and repeat. I’ve tried to stay calm and act as if i didnt realize i was dreaming, but i always wake up right after realizing i was in a dream, so i cant help much here. Just wanted to assure you that you werent alone with this.