Your dream self

I have a question
When you guys LD
do you have a “lucid self” in which you become
everytime you LD?

once i get into the habit of LDing
I will be a vampire. :peek:

i am usually simply me, just like in real life. The exception is dreams that follow a “script”, where i sometimes “play” a character. If the dream is lucid, i am still aware that the character doesn’t really exist.

I understand ya

I am rarely anyone but myself. But myself in my dreams is kind of a psycho.

Even in LDs I want to be only myself and nothing else. I don’t want to transform to other characters.
But I know people who like turning to animals or monsters in their LDs :smile:

My friends little brother turned into the Incredible Hulk during an LD. I thought that was pretty funny.

Welk, I haven’t had too many lucid dreams yet (sixteen in total as of this post), but usually I’m pretty much like my normal dream self.

I’m quite a bit more arrogant than IRL and more prone to extreme behavior. Usually I’m more violent and quick to engage in a fight (and run away). As for actual personality traits and physical appearance, I’m almost always myself. I haven’t become a master lucid dreamer yet where I have a separate “dream self” that I transform into every time. I would LIKE to, though :smile:

But I’m still in the stage where lucid dreams are rare and when I get the chance to do something, it’s usually whimsical and I just do whatever comes to mind (usually to do with testing my powers). When (not if) I get to the point where I can have lucid dreams at will, I’m likely to become my “true” self: the part of me that I can only be when I express myself through my writing.

Don’t worry, it’s not as creepy as it sounds, haha. It’s just the world of my stories that I think about a lot when I’m daydreaming. I’ve never even dreamed about that world before, so when I become a better lucid dreamer, that’ll be my base of operations, at least for quite a while.

I’m always omnipotent and all-powerful in ALL of my dreams, not just the lucid ones. Most DC s know I am an important being and if they oppose me, I usually overpower them.

I don’t really know what shape I take… If ever I see myself in a mirror, I try and change my appearance. :neutral:

I know theres someone on this forum that always changes their dream self as soon as they become lucid.

If there’s a mirror nearby I will always try to make myself more attractive. :eh:

wow! never thought of changing… what i would like to do though is make my fantasy story characters come to life—Ld life that is :wink: !

I am always the same me as in real life, though funny enough i dont recall ever looking in a mirror.

I will have to remember to do that next time.

Hmm, I would have said that I was simply me… but, then that would mean that IRL I’m not truely me… which I guess is probably true, as I feel that my health doesn’t allow me to be this person who I believe I am…

Like Svenshinhan, my behavior is exaggerated somewhat, I’ll say exactly what I think, in my dreams I don’t seem to have any inhibitions, which can be quite interesting sometimes, my temper though unfortunately is an awful lot worse… the past few months I’ve managed to control my temper well, but in my dreams I have a very short fuse.

In my dreams I often feel either completely out of control (when running away from something/someone, or helping others to escape), or completely in control, but I guess everybody does in life sometimes, and in dreams it’s just exaggerated.

Oh, I have changed my apperance in an LD before… but that’s purely because my reflection wasn’t accurate.