Your opinions on this, please read, need your help...

Moved from the Quest for Lucidity subforum

My mother came to me today knowing that I’m into lucidty and dream stuff and that I like psychology a bit. She basically told me that since yesterday she’s had some moments in which she suddenly remembers something, and quickly forgets it leaving her completely frustrated. She sais it’s almost like having a dream, like a memory is introduced into her current surroundings, but she quickly forgets it. She sais that simply seeing something will trigger it, so it reminded me of repressed memories. I asked her if it’s simply a deja-vu but she sais it’s way too vivid, almost like being there.

This is kind of weird and I am extremely sure my mother is perfectly fine, there is no history of mental illness in my family, or in my mother. I told her to do as much as possible to focus on the memory before it fades away, and maybe write it down quickly. She sais it fades away within 2-3 seconds, and then she just remembers having it, but not what it was about. I told her to write down her dreams on paper tonight, maybe whatever it is will appear in her dreams.

What’s your opinion on this? Has this happened to you? What is it? What should I do to help her remember (if this even is a memory). She even suggested past life memories :smile:.


It could be many things, there’s not much detail to go on.

It could be a repressed or forgotten memory flashback, a flashback of a dream she’d forgotten or it could be something else entirely.

Ask her if she could give more details, it sounds very interesting if a little disorientating.

Sounds like she is pulling information out of nowhere. I’m not saying this is 100% accurate but since I was little I have recieved most of the information I know from an undetectable source. At first I thought it was weird that I would independantly learn stuff in school a few weeks before its mentioned. When I would take test the answers are so obvious to me, but half of the information I never covered with my teachers.

I can’t say this is whats hapening to me or her. But I’m, confident enough with it so I don’t study school topics anymore. I can easily finish homework before my teacher is done talking. And I consistently pass with all A’s and over 90% in all state and school test.

Kind of a strange phenomena but something there is no use for me to deny.

If I understand well, she has the feeling that she remembers something, yet 2 or 3 seconds later, she cannot remember what she remembered. Have I well understood?

If so, it looks like this:

Presque vu sounds interseting. The only weird thing is that it has never happened before, but she sais it has happened about 10 time since only yesterday. :eh:

Was she very tired those days? Déjà-vu may happen when you’re tired, thus perhaps presque-vu too.

On the wikipedia, I’ve read presque-vu happens sometimes to people who suffer from epileptic seizures. Is it the case?

Anyhow, if it continues, I think it’s better for her to go to the physician.

I’ll move your topic to the Lounge cause it’s not related with dreaming and lucidity.

Wait wait wait… That memory thing, forgetting 2 seconds later, isn’t normal? :bored: I seriously have this all the time, even more often this past year. Thought it was just my messed-up mind playing tricks on me, but maybe not. :help:

Well, T, I told you that’s not normal, and you said you like it anyways! :shock:

Anyways. Metabog: I used to have that some three years ago. I was borderline psychotic then, though. But nah, :lol: your mom doesn’t sound like psychotic. Anyways, this preque–vu thing sounds like a result from stress or tiredness—or something else that’s been playing around with her memory. I’d recommend she slept earlier for some days, and tried to do some relaxation throughout the day, to see if her memory gets better and the presque–vu stops bothering her. If not, I’d consult the family doctor. Don’t freak out about that. I’m not saying it’s anything big—and I’m pretty sure it really isn’t—but whenever something feels amiss, it’s better to consult a doctor anyways. Better safe than sorry, aye?

Sounds great :content:

After reading the first words I was already thinking this was another “Help! They’ll burn me at the stake cause I LD!” topic.
Anyway, is your mother stressed? If yes, relaxing may help getting at the bottom of those mini-dreams. I think.

Hmm, I have this all the time, I think. Like a flash of memory that happens all at once, like telling a whole story in one moment without using words?

I get this especially when trying to remember dreams, when I first started working on my dream recall. I’d try to remember it, then get the flash of what it was about, and then have to try and re-feel the all-at-once specific emotion that is the dream.

Yeah, like if there were an emotion that instead of being “sad” or “angry” was “I was running from this monster, then hid down a well where I found a pegasus and together we flew off to the totem pole factory.”

And you get a twang of that emotion and then have to try to feel it again, to uncover what it means. I got better at this with practice.

Tell your mother that, the next time this happens, she should stop, clear her mind, and try to feel what she just felt, trying to find that place in her mind that felt it. She’s probably remembering a dream she just had, and that’s why this started happening suddenly. I think normally our mind stores dreams in a separate place, which is why we don’t remember them usually. I think that now that she knows you’re into dreams, she’s just beginning to uncover this place in herself.