Zombie Walk (Grr, argh!)

Is anyone going to a Zombie Walk this year?

A zombie walk is an organized public gathering of people dressed as zombies who walk around—usually to a cemetery—in the streets moaning and groaning and often limping and calling for brains.

There are going to be zombie walks all over the United States, Canada, and also in London, Brisbane, Sydney, São Paulo, Belém and probably a lot of other places. I don’t know about all the events, but I can tell a bit about São Paulo’s and assume the others are similar: everyone’s to gather up in the Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP) from 14:00 to 15:00 of november the 2nd (All Souls Day) and start walking. Through the course, we’re going to walk by two cemeteries and it’ll end at a rented space where there’s going to be a theme party with trash movies and music.

The upcoming ones are Toronto’s (Oct/22) and Seattle’s (Oct/29). So! Anyone going to join the living dead? :tongue:

[size=100]Note: apart from the wikipedia article (the first link), none of the links has immediate visual content (that is: you won’t see pictures in the pages I pointed you too, although they might have hyperlinks to photo albums).

The pics in the wikipedia article were carefully chosen because of their guidelines, they aren’t insulting or repulsive in any way. So don’t be afraid to check out the links, they’re all gross–pics–free. :smile:[/size]

A zombie walk? I would love that! :cool_laugh: Is is just me, or does the idea of walking around grumbling about brains sound incredibly fun? :tongue: There’s a good chance that I won’t be participating in one any time soon, but I’ll think about it. :roll:


:ebil:</BB edit> :cheesy:

ROFL!!! I just laughes so hard about a bunch of people walking down the street as zombies.

“I was sitting quietly at my computer. I start hearing groaning noises outside, they were faint. I ignored them for the moment.”“They got louder and louder until I heard them right outside my house.”“I looked out the window, there were *** zombies out there!” “OMG ZOMBIES!!!KILLLLL!!!” Grabs shotgun and goes outside "BOOM HEADSHOT!!!

haha yeah i just saw this on another forum
i really wish one would happen here. its so boring here

i saw a clip where they passed a bar and all went “BEEEERRR” instead of brains and some fat guy that looked like the numa numa guy was looking out his window with a terrified look on his face :razz: