£1 a litre coming very close, but that isnt the main problem

Right now I’m saying to myself…even if I did get a bicycle I wouldn’t be able to travel very far. The primary reason for this is because my job necessitates having a motorized vehicle with lots of storage space.

Unless, of course, you know of a method to haul around four hundred pounds worth of newspapers over 22 miles on a bicycle, every single night. Except for Sunday, which is more like a thousand pounds of newspapers.

well i don’t know a realistic idea, but an idea would be to fix 10 bicycles together to add up the power to weight ratio and put an advertisement up for unemplyed people who like exercise and then on the back stick a trailer and deliver your weight(newspapers)

Venezuela has (I think) the fifth largest oil reserve in the world… or something like that. The US is one of its biggest consumers.

Also, Venezuela hasn’t privitised its oil companies (even though there is increasing pressure by the US for them to do so). SO, all the money they are earning is going back to the people, and they can afford to have lower oil prices.

Speaking of oil reserves, I don’t know why Canada doesn’t just start refining it’s own oil and keep it in the country for our use, instead of paying rediculous prices for other countries oil. The Alberta Oil sands are the largest oil reserve in the world, and could fuel Canada itself for another 300 years (thank you highschool geography class :happy: )

Anyways, its implausible to deliver 1000 pounds of newspapers on a bike in on day, so either we need to lower fuel prices or start building electric newspaper delivery trucks.
Why haven’t we converted to electric cars yet anyway, heck, we’ve already got hydrogen fuel cell busses, what the heck is the hold up?

meh… and youre complaining bout gas prizes…

its like 1.30e for 98 here, 1.24 for 95 and 0.999e for diesel…and you americans dare to complain bout expensive gas <-<

the funny part is that here in france they say that up north (eg holland) gas is much cheaper :lol:

it’s about 10 eurocent or more cheaper here in france.

That is because Venezuela is a word leader in oil production.

Or we could revolutionize the bicycle with advanced lever mechanisms and counter-weights so that you actually could haul around 1,000 pounds.

I wonder if that would be possible…

If it worked, I bet the rider would still be awefully tired once he delivered all his papers :tongue:

errr are we forgetting that this is about signs? well on the radio today they said that because
1.they dont have the room for prices over a pound
2.by law they must advertse
3. selling at 99.9p would be sellign at a loss

that basically means that until they get new signs its illegal for petrol stations to sell at a profit, crisis or what :wink:

newcars.com/model.php?detid= … el_id=1769

nuff said

Kinda hard when our winter is around 9 months long…

I often wonder the same thing about Australia. We have enough oil reserves off north west Australia for the entire country, if only we refined it.

It may be hard but there is such a thing a spiked cycle tyres it means you can still cycle in the winter, also the winters will get harsher and harsher if people keep driving around in their cars.

even if you refine the oil you and the rest of the people there are still contribute to the pollution and problems caused by oil, the reason it is so deep in the ground as it is harmful to things above ground. Also if you believe in reincarnation whatever effect you have now when you come back you will want to know why all those people didn’t stop polluting ages ago.

I am not saying that you are wrong, but there consequences to everything, I myself don’t want to be guilty of causing other peoples suffering, whether that is just on human level or on a global level

If you are annoyed at me I am only trying to help

Spiked tires or not, in some places (like Canada) cycling is illegal in the winter. And with 2 meters of total snowfall or more in the winter, and -30 tempuratures, I doubt you’d really want to cycle that badly :wink:

sounds mad that cycling is illegal, but don’t you feel like that the cars could be affecting the environment ?

It’s only illegal in the bitter month of the winter and for good reason, it’s not safe at all at that time of the year.

That could work if you did not have much snow… https://www.stud.ntnu.no/~martiste/albums/Winter01/IMG_0672.jpg
This is not even much snow to be here.
And they rarely plow anything but the roads. And it also tends to get quite cold one some days… :smile: