101 ways your mind can prevent you from having LD.

I have numerous messed up dreams. They are crazy but still fun - especially when you can remember so much detail. For one thing - I’d like to start lucid dreaming again, I haven’t in so long so I have been readin the forums to see if it could help me. I have been stressed for months and I miss the fun of lucid dreaming. As for nightmares - the most reoccuring one is with water. I have ones in which I’d be in my elementary school cafeteria and it will fill with water, I’d run out, everyone else would be dead, and I’d ride my bike while this huge tidal wave followed me. I currently can’t swim… and when I was 5 I drowned (but lived of course, thanks to my neighbor, CPR, and the hospital). Its strange though… I haven’t had one of these dreams in such a long time - yet I can remember it so well, the bike, the people inside the cafeteria… hey I just got completely off topic! Oh well…

i have been practicing RC by looking at my watch a lot. So last night during one dream, i managed to look directly at my watch at least twice and not clue in!!! My brain made me think i was on drugs or something(?).

Looking back, i’m not quite sure what the watch was doing. It was just a bunch of numbers (8XX 1204 XXX) in a row that changed really quickly. I cant believe it! SO CLOSE.

Maybe it’s the way you do your RC. I do my RC this way:
“This is a dream. RC. You see it is!”
If you do
“Is this a Dream? RC.” You’ll probably find some explanation why you’re RC failed.
If you just do
“RC.” You might miss the fact complete that you are dreaming. Well this last case was maybe some idiot example, but I guess you know what I want to make clear here.
