2012 bible mentions 3 day sleep?

Well, what is negative? I have found that many people use the word negative, or words like that – bad, evil etc – and don’t really have a precise notion of what it is, or, rather, they allow their sense of feelings and aesthetics to define the term for them. They don’t so much as know what is negative as that they feel what is negative.

But if we were to put a point to the concept, we should say that Positive Thoughts are Collective and Group Centered thoughts, while Negative Thoughts are selfish thoughts that tend toward the egotistical and the predatory.

In practical terms, as far as our Dreaming is concerned, this means that we should give ourselves over to more Team Work and cooperation in our Dreams. Those dreams where we take on the Universe as though it is a Video Game, where by committing mass genocide, we rack up some pretty great scores… well, that is Negative.

A few years ago I noticed the shift in my dreaming where I was starting to be more of a group person, and both helped other people and allowed other people to help myself. It provides for some of the best ‘feel-good’ dreams.

What should we do if we find ourselves acting negatively, that is against the group and entirely out of selfish and predatory motives and inclinations. Well, the most effective strategy here is to recognize that one blundered, to feel sorry for it, and resolve to behave better in one’s future dreams. After all, before Lucid Dreaming came along, that is how everybody used to ‘control’ their dreams – by forethought and suggestion.

Deltron, do you mean Daniel Pinchbeck?

He was the author of “The Return of Quetzacoatl.”

Fantastic book about 2012.

It’s not really the kind of eclipse we are used to.

It’s when the earth and sun align with the black hole at the center of our galaxy.

It’s also the time when the earth passes through a giant magnetic field that acts as the equator for our galaxy.

This is supposed to change the magnetic poles on earth as well as change the magnetic fields around each individual persons body.

On that note, if you read “Closer to the Light” they talk about how some people who clinically died and came back with stories of the light, a tunnel and dead relatives and all that had their magnetic fields tested by some new technology and it was found that those fields were changed.

Not only did their magnetic fields change from before their near death experience to after but their entire outlook on life and time changed as well.

Just food for thought.

OFF-TOPIC:Why did you say Bible when you meant Qu’ran?

The Bible only say that God will send a guy with clothes made of blood to slather women and children with swords he spits from his mouth and put the men in God’s grate wine-press.

ON-TOPIC: Questions:
1: Why can’t you make the “Shift” if you go insane?

2: Why makes a “negative” thought you go insane?

3: It is imposable to only think happy thoughts for 3 days.
Almost everyone will go insane and not-make-the-shift.
And what would happen to those who don’t when they wake up and found everyone else not-make-the-shift-ed?

OFF-TOPIC AGAIN:You forgot a “r” in Dimethyltryptamine.

What if 2012 marks a subtle change in the way people think. That it is not so huge…
More like marks the place in time when change in a different direction gradually starts taking place?
cos i think this cycle in time has been about degredation of our species.
also I heard that the illuminati and others hyped up the year 2000 in order to draw attention away from 2012… ?

visualizing a bright future

What I read somewhere is that the observable import of the 2012 Calendar event will be that the orientation of Our Galazy and the Earth’s Equator will be in a straight alignment. It happens once in every 25,000 years or so, the unit of that Mayan Calendar.

If one believes that there is anything at all to Astrology, then certainly it would be important that the Earth comes into alignment with the Entire Home Galaxy.

Febuary 8th: Chinese Democrasy’s release date has been moved forward to 2014 from 2013

That is kind of like asking DARE to tell you the benefits of using drugs.