I’ve had no visuals in my 271th LD … so yes its common. Last night I tried shouting “increase lucidity now” very hard in my LD, and lo and behold, it worked! Visuals turned back on and the dream was stable for about 5 minutes. Try that if rubbing doesnt work out.
This is a very common problem for me and has been since the beginning. My dream fades out and I’m totally concious but I have no vision. I even think I’m awake in bed and am afraid to open my eyes since I think I’ll awaken myself too much, but when I do it’s sometimes a FA. In response to your question, it’s common. I read on here somewhere to imagine looking out your third eye. I need to give that a try the next time I run into that problem.
As for the tingling, I’m horrible for that. I still get that and in one way it’s useful and I’ll tell you why. But it does annoy me that I start to tingle in my dream and wake up so suddenly. When I do wake up, I’m still tingling IRL but they soon subside. Many times if I don’t wake up soon after and am able to go about the dream, if I look at my body there are goosebumps all over it.
I find it useful though so that you know there was no lapse in between the dream and waking. Like when I wake up tingling and RC and finalize I’m really awake, I know I woke immediately from the dream and in this way can recall it very well. I’ve had a few (very few) dreams where I was tingling but never woke up tingling, and I interpret this as having lost conciousness between the dream and awakening and thus, have no clue when and how long the dream was and consequently lack good recall on it.
Last night (i have to document this in my dream data as soon as I find some time!) I had a nightmare and even though I didn’t turn lucid, the tingling or goosebumps that the fear caused caused me to wake up with the “electricity” running over my body.
So even though I may have more experience under my belt, you and I (and I’m sure many others) are in the same boat.
Instead of starting a new thread, I thought I would reply to my old one.
I still havn’t had a ‘proper LD’. I have had many DILD’s, as I am very good at realizing that I am dreaming. But once I realize I am dreaming, the dream just seems to end and I am lying in my bed with SP. I don’t think it is excitement that is waking me up, as in my recent DILD’s I make sure I don’t get exited at all, I just think in a really dull voice ‘Oh, I’m dreaming’.
Is this normal? I have had at least 20 DILD’s now, and still havn’t had a proper LD!
What can I do once I am in SP to put myself in a LD?
Thank you in advance,
Are you still motivated or excited about the idea to get LD? I’ve had this too for a while, really as you described “Oh I’m dreaming… great…”. I noticed the excitement was kinda over so I had to bring it back (by reading some good old NDs and LDs, or just by imagining what I might experiment during a LD, all those magical things and stuff).
My method for reentering a LD starting from SP is to close my eyes, visualize the previous dream scene while letting my body sink into the bed (the WILD sensations usually come pretty quickly). Do not actively think about the paralysis or the weird sensations you might feel, but instead, really concentrate on the dream scene. At least, this works for me
Yes, I am still very much motivated to have a LD. At first I thought I kept waking up because I was too excited, so I thought that maybe if I held all my excitement back I wouldn’t wake up - but I still do. Maybe I need to try being between excited and dull?
I would like to try stabilizing techniques, but I don’t stay in the dream long enough to attempt them.
I will try your suggestion, thanks!
Does anyone else have any more suggestions?
I guess. I only had two lucids, I think, and they all occured the same night (poor me). The first dream I was at a busstop. Busstops are a dreamsign of mine, I always dream about them don’t know why. Anyways there was this girl from school, she’s hot, and that’s when I realised I was dreaming. Don’t know why though. So I walked up to here and said “I’m dreaming, am I not?”. She just looked at me like I’d just said something stupid, which I acctually had. Then I woke up. Just after getting lucid.
I thought “merde!”, so I went back to sleep, and I found myself in a dream about a prison. It was the weirdest dream. I was two women, kinda. The first one I was was strangled to in the middle of the prisonyard for punishment. So every man in there, obviously, ran forward to here because, you know, men are always men. I was that woman first, but as soon as the first man touched me I looked onto the other woman in the prison, who looked back in a disgusted matter, because of the men’s behaviour. And I changed into that women all of a sudden. I guess that’s about when I got lucid. Everybody just disappeared, and there I was in this prison alone. I guess it was the ultimate place for a first lucid dream too. I jumped around matrix style. Had a lot of fun. Then I though “so now I’ve tried all of these stunts, including flying. Better find myself a girl”. So I walked on and about and found some. I figured, what will I do now? So I needed inspiration. I read a TV-magazine to look for pornmovies. That’s when I lost lucidity. Damn! I’ll never try to have sex in a LD again. What a waste of time…
Wow, that post was a long one It was sort of an answer to the first question, but what the hell…
Steve McManus, if you wait just a few seconds when you are in SP, won’t the dream start again? It sounds like you could use some sort of “dream reentry” technique, as Mystic suggests.
Mystic gave a good idea with his sinking technique, what I do (another possibility); I imagine myself spinning around my length axis and when I have some momentum, I roll out of my body and step into my room. Which is a LD-room then of course…
If you can’t spin around or rub your hands, try to focus very hard on a certain object. Or try to imagine the sensation of spinning around.
I would like to congratulate you on your recent attempts, it seems you are having very good success Having success in the WILD technique straight away is often a natural gift.
You should not expect to wake up or else this is what may happen. When you become lucid everything is possible and can be controlled all by thought. Therefore your belief system can effect what you expect. Belief you can do it and you will
I often find that closing my eyes and thinking about waking up causes me to wake up. However this is based on the belief and I can easily prevent this from happening by thinking “I don’t want to wake up.”
Thanks for the advice everyone, I will be sure to try everything you have suggested.
Hey man. The same thing happened to me last night! I had my first LD! Yay me! It only lasted about 10 seconds and when I realised I was dreaming my vision of the dream seemed to go fuzzy and I started to talk in my sleep which eventually woke me up. Im just grateful I had my first LD though. Tonight I hope I can get an LD to last a bit longer.
I know this is an old thread, but I thought I might aswell update this one than start a new one.
I still havn’t had a ‘proper’ LD. I have realised that I am dreaming loads of times, about 3-4 times every week. Last night I realised I was dreaming twice. This is what happened:
I was talking to a friend and he was telling me that he had a LD last night and he was telling me how cool it was and stuff. Then I thought to myself wouldn’t it be cool if I was dreaming now and then I said “as a matter of fact I am dreaming now!”. The dream seemed to instantly end and I was lieing in my bed with SP. The SP wore off after about 20 seconds.
I went back to sleep and for some reason I was in the same dream that I had just woke up from. I was walking along a corridor with my friend who was still telling me about his LD and what he did in it and stuff and then I said “I’m dreaming again!” and then just like before the dream instantly ended and I was in SP. I stayed in SP for what seemed like 10 minutes trying to do all of the techniques that I have read on these forums and none of them seemed to work. I then got bored of being in SP and forced myself out of it.
So I have had like 30-40 DILD’s since I found out about lucid dreaming and I still havn’t had a proper LD!
What do you suggest I do? Is it possible that my brain isn’t compatible with lucid dreams?!
So your problem, if I understand well, is that your LD’s last about 20 seconds and then you’re in SP without being able to obtain a LD from this state ?
20 seconds? I wish… the second I realise I am dreaming the dream just seems to end. On the first few times that I realised I was dreaming I got excited and thought that waking up was normal. I have now had like 30-40 DILD’s and I still keep going into SP when I realise I am dreaming.
I would love to try a stabilisation technique but I can’t stay in the dream to try one!
Do you have any suggestions?
What do you exactly mean by SP? Are you really paralyzed? Do you experience vibrations? What are your feelings and sensations during this state?
You might try the autosuggestion technique. For instance, when you’re lying in bed in the evening, repeat to yourself that you WILL become lucid this night and that your LDs WILL last longer than usual. Keep repeating it until you fall asleep, but the most important aspect is that you really believe what you’re saying. Don’t just ramble it, but put strength in your intention and almost will it to happen.
A more powerful technique might be self-hypnosis. It’s very similar to autosuggestion with the difference that during selfhypnosis you have to put yourself in a very relaxed state, almost in SP. Let your body and your mind become totally serene, yet without falling asleep. If any thoughts appear, don’t fight them actively but watch them passively from the perspective of a silent watcher. Once you’re sufficiently relaxed, say to yourself that you’ll count to 10, and when you get there, you’ll have total dream control (or full dream stability, or similar intentions). Repeat it a few times and then start counting very slowly. Make sure the counting is synchronised with your slow breathing, like “inhale/1…exhale/(repeat your intention)…inhale/2…etc…” The closer you get to 10, the stronger your intention and belief should be that whatever you repeat, WILL effectively happen. When you finally get to 10, make sure you’ll have the genuine feeling that your intentions ARE coming true, and that you’ve succeeded in your selfhypnosis practice. Then, say to yourself that you’ll slowly wake up from the deep relaxation/trance, but without losing all the intentions you’ve made, once you count back from 10 to 1. When you get to 1, slowly awake from the relaxation, move a few muscles and slowly get up. If you like, you can repeat this selfhypnosis a few time during the day. Also, do it every day because it may take a few days or so before you notice any changes.
Hope this might help
Good luck!
Full blown SP, I can’t move at all. Vibrations pulsating through out my body as if I was being electrocuted. I normally feel as if I am slowly sinking into my bed.
Thanks, I will try that.
Theorically there are methods in order to obtain a LD from a full blown SP. They are based upon inducing a mental movement. You can for instance increase your falling feeling, or spin, or roll out of your bed, etc.
Good luck!
Mystic, when I do the hypnosis you described above, can I do it before falling asleep? I mean, if I’ve reached 10, can I just not awake from the relaxation state and just fall asleep? Thanks in advance
Yes you can do it before falling asleep, but it’s always best to count back from 10 to 1 and wake up from the hypnosis. Because, then you have more chance of getting your intentions firmly imprinted in your subconsciousness. If you don’t do it and let yourself fall asleep while still in the hypnotic relaxation, there’s a good chance that some of the power of your message dissolves and gets lost. So if you want to do it before falling asleep, first wake up from the relaxation and thén fall asleep properly