360 degree vision?

i dont know how many of you have seen the movie waking life, but one of the guys the main character talks to mentions something about developing 360 degree vision. seeing all the way around your head at all times! to me this would be amazing. its something that is extremely hard to grasp considering most of us normally only have 2 eyes for our entire lives. but my question is… have any of you tried this? did it work? what kind of method did you use to accomplish this?

that would really be cool. It’s on my Huge LD Goals List. :content:

I saw this topic once where someone said they transformed into the four elements and when they were air they could see all around. I’ll see if I can find that post.

EDIT: found it! Click Me

I don’t think I’ve ever expirienced 360 degree vision, but I suppose veiwing your own body would be almost the same effect and surve the same purpose?

If you couldn’t acheive 360 degree vision you could always try to switch your dream veiwpoint

In most of my dreams I can see everywhere around me and into stuff like x ray.
Its pretty freaky, and it only makes sense during the dream;when I wake up im like
that was weird
the feeling of being able to see everywhere is cool :smile:

I heard about people experiencing 360 degree vision on AP. I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to do it in LD’s aswell.