A dreamspell trance: A visit from future (not for sceptics)

Wow that’s extremely interesting. And, no I’m not a skeptic. In fact, you made me go back and read my kin reading in more details (I was non-believer in dreamspell calender, etc. even though I’m very open spiritually… ironic eh? I do respect it though).

astrodreamadvisor.com/M_white-spec-wind.html - detailed reading of your destiny kin. I don’t know if you have been there before, but it’s a wonderful site that discusses about destiny kin in depth and in clearer english than normal basic destiny kin reading you get.

I thank you for pointing me in the direction where I’m going. For a month or so, I have been going through a big transformation (body, mind, and spirituality). It was so powerful and I couldn’t understand why and behold my destiny kin, Yellow Crystal Warrior, explains it all. I don’t know why I have missed that when I read about it a year ago or so. Now, I’m a believer (I have that mayan calender from explora too… perhaps this time I can understand it better :lol:) it even matched to my vision, I had about two moons (you can read more about it in my signature link to artwork from dream discussion) about now moment. I am who I am… Yellow crystral warrior… even though I denied it for a while until now… I can’t deny it anymore!

And I too had a lot of dreams about 2012. I saw that we eventually will evolve in where we love our nature and respect people way more. I also saw that the family relationship is stronger in love and trust. In one of my 2012 dreams, I gathered all people in a certain place that I said I would act like a portal of awakening into other dimensions. I was hit by an intense white lightening… I received a lot of knowledge and saw many things. I shifted my focus to people and it turned out that I channeled the energy thru the earth and all people collapsed. At the point, I became enlightened. I finished my purpose. I soon was surrounded with white light and turned into my higher energy being and woke up. Of course, my trance-like dreams can be highly symoblic, but they always come true in literal meanings. Sometimes, it shocks me. LOL. There were some dreams where I communicated to myself… Subconscious self or higher self… but I don’t remember much since they happened long time ago. Maybe some were captured in my DD, but I doubt so.

The funny thing about destiny kin journey I did today is that few days ago I researched about indigo-crystal adult, etc. and found that I’m crystal… Known as christed one and is a very advanced starseed person. Guess what my destiny kin said about who I am and who I will become… It mentioned 2 words! Starseed and christed! Immediately, I knew what it mean and understood that it was true after all! (If you are curious you can always go to homepage of that url I gave ya and look for yellow crystal warrior and read about it). Many people don’t know my full potential or what I can do because I keep it mysterious… I felt like nobody would be able to understand what I’m going through anyways. Plus, I was afraid of skeptics (no offenses everybody).

I’m not posting this to brag… I’m posting this because I don’t know what to believe now hahaha :o like I said… your post was awesome and it did have a hidden purpose for me to reread my destiny kin after those research I did last few days. I find them all too good to be a coincidence.

I thank you you for that. :biggrin:

I am very happy that another person in earth has found out that if you search life through the dreamspell prism, you will start noticing that many things “make sense”

Hidden wishes of your childhood matches aspects of your kin, many events of your live were on specific tribe days, and many other examples. I have been into the site, and the page with my kin is downloaded and readed many times a month.

If you allow me, I would like to give you some tips about this lovely way of life…

  • Keep a calendar combined with a journal and a dream journal. On the end of each month, notice the patterns amongst events and dreamspell dates…

  • Try to give hints to people that have absolutely no idea about 2012, to make them search into the internet. Until now the only person that turned into an avid beleiver is my mom :eh: ! (ironic)

  • Through your lucid dreams try to face your subconsious, try through “LD magic” to erase its mental blockages, and see what happens.

  • Time travel to 2012 through a LD and check what you will see.

Done 2012 lds… But I ned to do them again… Haven’t done them for a while

Good tip about calender and journal… Ill try it out. Thank you XD

What’s all this about?

I have sufficient knowledge of the whole 2012 phenomenon, but whats all this about “Spiritually Awakening”?

Is it something that will occur naturally to all humans? Or is there some kind of prerequisite procedure we must carry out before we can ascend? I don’t want to be left behind!!!

well? has anything interesting happened yet? the year is almost over. i, for one, dont watch the news, so i wouldnt know.

either way, i hope this stuff turns out true. if all people get their own universe by 2012, then i will be very happy :content:

of course, just as long as i get one of my own, i can be happy. at the least i can rent some space away for those that didnt get one :tongue:

seriously though. cool read. if its true, then the next couple years will be most interesting…

hmm so there should be a lot going on at 2012:p
i wonder what it’d look like if your 2012self was real and it’s true what he told, i wonder how that might work out, we’ll just have to wait and see, and my opinion isn’t sceptic but i don’t know how we could change the living world, but it should be possible

EDIT: WTF?!?! my kin is in the white spectral wind homepage, the bottom one only not the what’sitcalled, cos on the white spectral wind site its 2 lines and one dot, mine’s 2 dots, :tongue:

EDIT2: i allso believe there is no coincidence, it’s just true, there are no coincidences dunno why, but i just believe that :razz:
EDIT3(for annyone who reads this):1: why does no-one post?
2: i have both awakening things in 2012(if you’re right alexC)