A lot of "half-lucid-dreams"?

What are they called, or are they called anything? :bored: :eh:
I guess that about every third of my dreams are completely lucid (maybe not during the whole dream, but I mean that there are times in the dream when I’m completely lucid), but the rest of them are sort of… half lucid :neutral:
On some level I know that it’s a dream, maybe I’m even very aware of it and can fly & stuff, but it doesn’t feel as real and clear as “real” LD:s :eh:
Nowadays it’s rare that I’d have dreams where I’m completely unaware of it being a dream, but a lot of dreams, where I don’t even know if I can call it a LD or not :confused:
Any ideas how I could turn a such dream into a fully lucid dream? :eek:

i’d like to know as well, this night for example I was half-awaken, I did not open my eyes but I was conscious to be in my bed and that I had just ended a dream. I thought I could go to a lucid state and start a new dream, but I couldn’t, so instead I started a new dream, knowing I was dreaming, but it was like watching a video, I was looking at different scenes of the life of the character I love, and wondering how I could remember this in the morning. But I was not able to be completely lucid and enter the scenes I was looking at, to enteract with the characters.

When you are half-lucid, do you have the consciousness to be in your bed ? I think there may be a term for this…

If you know it’s a dream but don’t behave with full response-ability, like being very suggestible to the dream state or whatever the DC’s suggest, or something, I’d consider that a “low level” lucid dream. I made a thread a while back that compiled all the category systems that I’d heard of, open for any and all suggestions, if you’d like to check it out:
[Lucid Levels and Axes)

If it were just that the dream environment were less vivid, I’d just consider that a… well, a low vivid dream. :tongue: