A Lucid Dream when only knowing the definition?!?

Hey! About 2 weeks ago I heard about LD on the Discovery Channel Human body beyond the limits. but yah i was very interested in what they said, but for some reason didnt look it up. All i pretty much knew was to know that you are dreaming during a dream. A couple of nights after that i was sick with a fever and had those off and on dreams(nightmares) and sleeps. Well in one of those off and on dreams I was with a couple of Friends on a very broken down wooden slide. idk it was weird but yah the slide was huge seemed probably 150ft high wee one of my friends went and i went right after. i started picking up lots of speed and my body started going off the side and then the slide turned and i flew off, Right then i realized it was a dream i didnt want to have the intense wakeup when your body like jumps when you hit the ground in your dream. Idk how as soon as i knew it was a dream i didnt wake up! But i kept dreaming and thank god i did because as i was falling through the air I made my self fly a golden type of ora was around me that just made me feel amazing I was flying around looking at everything not beleiving how real it felt! the dream only lasted about 30 sec after i took flight! idk why i woke up just randomly did. but yah after that my fever was gone and i felt amazing haha i tried to fly in real life like levitate and was kinda mad it didnt work haha! the bad thing is I havnt been able a LD since :sad: and just yesterday i started researching and last night woke up everytime i realized i was dreaming. then after i woke up tried WBTB and failed! Does anyone have any tips or help? or can anyone answer how the hell i had a LD by only knowing the definition!?!?!?!

Having an LD is as you said, realizing you are dreaming whilst you are dreaming. It isn’t required that you know this is even possible. A number of people, myself included, have had Lucid Dreams without even knowing what a Lucid Dream was. :grin:

Hi and welcome to the Forums…and congrats on your first Lucid experience!

As for help becoming lucid more often there are many different ways and methods for that, that’s why this forum exists.
Newcomers often try out the WBTB first since you’ll fall asleep again rather quickly and have your intentions set on remembering that you’re going to be lucid dreaming very soon.
Also if you’re normally dreaming a lot you should practice performing some “Reality Checks” such as holding your nose and try breathing trough it, these could help you figure out if you’re dreaming or not.
Some people like to perform these test frequently troughtout the day, others may do them everytime they see something in both real life and that might show up in their dreams.

An another way to become Lucid is to look for the various “Dream Signs”, these are the objects and events that frequently shows up in your dreams.

Keep yourself motivated, practise and continue practise, that’s the only reliable tips i can give you.

  • Tywald

Moreover, Wanting it to happen is causing it to happen.

I’m sure you thought on some layer that it would be very nice to have such a dream.