a newbie here needs some explanation!!!!

well after having three dreams that are pretty symbolic and they did come true…i realize probably im spiritually incline…but i need more proof…so i was hoping u guys here would help me shed some light on my issue…anyways what do lucid dreams specifically means?..i had dreams where in i really felt what’s happening around me…or is it just because of my active imagination…when i was younger i barely had dreams…but now as i get older…im starting to have more and more dreams…every night i’ll always dream of something…meet people i’ve never seen in my life…however im still in doubt of my own self…lately i have a lot of things in my mind…but that i think doesn’t make any sense for me to dream about people i’ve never seen…i even remember this guy’s name who i met in my dream…and that’s not all everytime i forgot something…i always get this weird feeling that keeps me from leaving the room…but i always ignore it…then i realize later on that i’m missing something…the reason why i came up with this idea…is because of my mother’s uncanny luck with numbers…and she too have had premonitions…so can anybody please help me…

:welcome: touchofpurple :content:
You might want to introduce yourself in the big hi I’m new here topic :cool:

Lucid Dreams don’t have a specific meaning. They can be very various as well. One lucid dream is not another, they can contain so much different things what makes them have a meaning.

Personally I think it’s because of your active imagination or something along that. What else do you think it could be? Were those dreams Lucid Dreams or Normal dreams, or maybe it happened with both?

Well, actually you’ve always dreamed. It’s only now that you remember them better :content:

Dream Characters. I meet them a lot too, there are often people in my dreams I don’t know in real life, or I don’t recognise. There’s nothing to worry about there. We all have those persons in our dreams. You might want to check this topic. It’s about where we take DCs from.