thats what im tryin to say,.
also… we DO have the ability to lucid dream, and astral project,…
so why would God give us these gifts if he din’t want us to use it?
thats what im tryin to say,.
also… we DO have the ability to lucid dream, and astral project,…
so why would God give us these gifts if he din’t want us to use it?
We have the ability to murder and rape etc … so why would God give us these “abilities” if he din’t want us to use them?
See thats not a valid argument
“the gift to murder etc” is really the gift of free will. Otherwise we would not be able to freely turn to him or not -as the case may be.
It’s true its better to do bad actions in dreams rather than in real life.
And we can’t really judge and condemn anyone for what they do.
p.s. this is a good thread away from everything else to discuss civily these opinions and beleifs. (Sorry for the bad spellings but I’ve only just woken up.
Hang on a second… All these people afraid of LDing because they are afraid that sinning in their dreams will be counted against them. But If they are good people then they would not want to sin and there would be no reason to be afraid. Sorry if this makes no sense, I know what I’m trying to say
It implies that anyone who is afraid of sinning in LDs is a bad person because they think that they might sin. Surely if they are a good person then they wouldnt want to in the first place. That make any more sense??
I think the original poster was concerned that LDing itself was sinful. I think the consensus is that LDing itself is neutral but there is concern about violating one’s conscience or morals within a dream, whether that amounts to sin or not.
As for being afraid of sinning within an LD … well … I don’t know if I’d call it “afraid.” Let’s say “cautious.” Everyone is tempted! Believing in a certain religion or moral code does not exempt you from sometimes wanting the very thing you think is wrong. I speaketh from experience.
It’s the human condition, my friend.
I think that the only way of seeing lucid dreaming as a sin from Christian perspective is as you c it as an occult phenomenon!
But in the bible is verry well explained what is occult and what not.
Infact lol if you take that literal then even science is an occult study!
Wow!, i cant believe i just read that, i wasnt offended or anything, but i thought we are in a new day age of thinking. Its 00’s, i think relgion is overrated or over…oh-yeah…please dont be offended off that last remark i made .
Religion really is taking a hold of everything these days
Anyone can have LDs. I don’t think it’s a sin… Christians could even use it as a way of contacting God, I suppose.
I guess I’m Christian to but I’m not very religious so I doubt my opinion counts on this. I just think it’s just something in your mind. Dreaming isn’t a sin it’s a natural occurance. Being awake obviously isn’t a sin or we’d all be in trouble. I dont see how combining the two and being awake/consious in a dream is wrong in anyway.
I used to be very Catholic. I certainly don’t think lucid dreaming is a sin, but what you do when you lucid dream might be. I don’t know, I remember some passage that said if you have adulterous thoughts than you have already committed the sin in your mind. I think if you choose to be a lucid dreamer you should be okay, just stick to Christian activities like firebombing abortion clinics, condemning Muslims, and blessing Italian troops while they go off to kill Pagans.
I agree with what daysong and hubbs said.
I will leave it to the Holy Spirit if I have a ld or not. If I become lucid I will be still and let myself be influenced by the spirit.
I wonder if I am ready to be lucid. To be lucid may not be necessary.I will trust God always.
I will leave it to the Holy Spirit if I have a ld or not. If I become lucid I will be still and let myself be influenced by the spirit.
I wonder if I am ready to be lucid. To be lucid may not be necessary.I will trust God always.
well said…