I’ll try my luck here to see if anyone else has experienced this sensation. My earliest memory of this is from when I was really young while I was having a fever.
The best I can describe it is as a feeling of smooth, thick, soft things. My body feels like it and in my mind there’s these shapes that isn’t shaped as anything specific but they’re smooth, thick and soft too. In my first memory of it, I imagined balls of this feeling rolling around the apartment. And at one point they turned into crumpled up dry things - like raisins. And for some reason it made me really scared.
It appears every now and again, and when it does it’s always when I try to fall asleep, like once a year, and it’s not a nice feeling. Maybe it triggers old memories of me being a scared feverish kid - I don’t know, but it’s unsettling. There’s nothing inherently scary about it - it’s more like anxiety has made itself into something concrete in my mind.
Anyway, is this something anyone else has experienced?
i’ve never experienced that particular feeling- but what you felt was probably the result of SP. Sometimes scary images/hallucinations can occur when you’re transitioning from SP into the dream state- and this can cause a fear reaction.
I know this is a really old post but i’d really appreciate a reply or any help.
I alsohave this feeling, (i would describe it more of a feeling that a dream or a vision)
I’ve tried for years to describe this feeling to my boyfriend and family, but they just look at me like i’m a total psycho
I think the way spontan has desctibed it is perfect, like a thick smooth feeling, that sometimes can change its texture to wrinkled up and rough, it does appear as a shape in my head but never anything specific, also even though there maybe noise around me, its deathly quiet in my head, and yes its also either when i am asleep or about to go to sleep, it doen’t happen very often, but when it does its quite a bad scary feeling.
Although i have never experienced sleep paralysis, i wouldnt describe it as that because i can still move.
I actually nearly cried when i read this, because i thought i was the only one.
Its unsetteling and i would love to know what it is and what causes it.
welcome, danzina
Unfortunately I haven’t experienced this… I think. It reminds me of this one things that I have experienced, but it seems a bit different. Now that I think of it it probably was related to fever and SP as well… I would describe it as … ok, I don’t know how to describe it, it’s so hard! When I read “soft” above it reminded me of this, but for me it feels a bit like… cloth? Maybe it was just the feeling of my sheets, but it’s like I’m feeling it with my mind and not with my skin. I’m not really sure, it might just be the same thing and the words used are confusing me Although it never made me scared (that I can recall), only perhaps a little unconfortable and confused. Now a days I also have it very rarely when falling asleep.
Even though you/we might never have felt SP with this feeling, it’s quite possible that it’s “just” HH, which are natural hallucinations you get when you’re close to falling asleep (often come with SP). Although it’s weird that it would be a “common” thing, relatively speaking, of course, compared to the infinite possibility of random HH you can get…
Anyway, I wish it is what I experience as well, since I could never find anyone who’d had it or any way of describing it… There’s also the “big state of mind” topic here, which might be related to this (even if distantly).
I believe I’ve experienced this as well. Especially when I was 7-12 years old, I would feel it quite frequently, as I got older it got less frequent and less potent until right now where I can’t really recall the last time and it usually lasts only a few moments never reaching the levels it did when I was a child. I was unnerved by it when younger, I would sometimes wake from sleeping having dreamed about obscure extremely distorted imagery. It was distressing and uncomfortable, but not terrifying. Perhaps the discomfort was part of the feeling. The imagery I saw was like a merge of lots of things I had seen in life. It wasn’t the image though which was paramount, it was what I would also probably describe as a thick smooth feeling. It wasn’t a nightmare, because there was nothing inherently frightening about it. It was like the image was causing mental confusion of some kind, or was the result of mental confusion / misfiring.
It felt a bit like I was being dragged out of my head through a small space, or I was inflating within my head. Somebody else I know described a strange slow-motion effect they used to feel and I’m inclined to think it was the same thing as they described similar feelings linked to it. I’m now 22 nearly 23 and I’ve not suffered any ill effects from it that I can see. It also decreased with age. I never tried to get help since I just assumed it was part of the biological changes associated with growing up. So I don’t really have anything to suggest I’m afraid.