Ahh thats an awesome one.

I dont know if anyones done this before but you could walk through mirrors :content: or jump into some water and when you surface your somewhere different. :smile:

You could also try and manipulate your surroundings with your hands and turn the place your in into the one you want and it also helps you with dream vividness and awareness :woo: :happy:

Turn on a television. Change it to the channel or place you want to go and just jump in.

Tunneling is always fun.

I look out a window and watch the environment change… kind of like teleporting the entire building…

Actually, i did teleport a stadium into a video game, and my dad’s old home onto the moon… Very fun actually.

why would anyone want to travel any other way than flying ಠ_ಠ

Environment change for me, often I dislike the area around my dreams, and when I become lucid, i want to change it to where I want to spend my LD… My dream world is very vast.

someone has probably already said this, but if you jump in a puddle, swim a little ways, and then surface in a new land

I would travel in the blink of an eye, literally. I would imagine myself somewhere else, really focus, blink, and I was there. Spinning go me fairly interesting results, I didn’t try to teleport but somehow i ended up in an abyss. I could hear the sounds of what was happening all around my but couldn’t actually place anything. i ended up several paces forwards from where I had spun. My dream was more vivid than before but the experience was weird and scary-ish.

How about enjoying a cruise on a boat!
Or maybe using a smoke bomb to teleport…it works for ninjas!

Closing my eyes and spinning works perfect almost all the time. It is super efficient but less awesome than the ninja smoke bomb :wink:

I have not had very dreams where I have achieved full lucidity, but in the ones where I have, jumping, teleporting, and walking through walls always go the trick done… In the dreams where I was no lucid, the weirdest way I have every gotten from point A to B was by being eaten by a rather strange looking psychedelic car. It ate me at point A, and spat by out at B.

Oh, use a magic wand.
If you make/find one, you can do anything! It just makes things easier to do in LDs.

Almost in every LD I fly, but besides that I think I would use most likely cars, because I love cars… But I still don’t have that kind of control in dreams…

Although I never stop being fascinated by flying… It’s one of my favorite things to do in LD for now :happy:!

Although I havn’t done it before, jumping into a painting sounds like a neat idea!

I know I can think of another…

                     [color=black][size=200]GRAPPLE GUN![/size][/color]

Travel by Hat! (Alice In Wonderland reference)

I just thought of one, kind of hard to explain though :eh:. “Stepping into a new world,” it’s like taking a normal step forward, but then the world does a 180 degree on you. Lol I don’t know if anyone understood that. :content:

Maybe trough some kind of a portal into a parallel universe, just like in Fringe tv series :happy:

Halo pelican, just for the fun of it.

I had a dream that I would crawl under a big table and end up somewhere else when I reach the other side.

I don’t think i can do the blink thing because when i blink in a dream i wake up when i open my eyes :sad: