a WILD! .... almost...

Got a little problem entering dreams after WILD -ing…two of the latest attempts proved sucessfull,but I couldn’t properly “wake up” in them.The first time I heard voices of someone,and I felt I was sitting on a bench with someone,I knew it was a dream.I didn’t move,'cause I was afraid I’d move my physical self too…but I opened my eyes,and I saw double vision(dream vision and RL vision).I closed my eyes immediately but it didn’t help,I woke up.The second time I started hearing a buzzing sound,and some birds in the background,like I’m in a forest.The buzzing sound keeps getting louder,and I can feel my heart pounding like crazy,but I knew it was an ilussion.I did nothing,since I was afraid that the same thing from last time will repeat.So the sound gets lower and lower,and my heard pounds slower and slower.Until it stoped,and I could feel I’m in bed.I wake up and do an RC,but unsuccessfull :no:

So,any personal experiences of yours,some advices to help me actually start the dream? :eh:

Here’s a tip: Create the sensations with your imagination to try to bring more awareness to the dream itself. For example, when I am in that state, I would imagine myself rubbing my hands in the dream, because that will help pull your focus into the dream and away from your body. If I’m on a beach, I would listen for the sound of the waves. I’d try to see the sky. If I’m wet, I would feel the water pushing awareness onto my dream-feet. Try not to think about moving your physical body or waking up IRL, because dreams are highly fuelled by your beliefs and expectations. If you believe in yourself, you can do it.

Also a misc. tip: Try doing WILDs during the early morning hours. If you’ve got free time, this YouTube video will explain why. Even though it’s on a slightly different subject, I actually did that once and had a spontaneous WILD (check my old DJ for March 14, 2009) because I did it.

Good luck!

Thanks, i will try that!

Also check out this video it can really help i’m gonna try it tonight


LegendaryDreamer thanks for the help! (Rhett got me to it :tongue: )

I actually did WILD with WBTB tehnique,but I didn’t do it in so early,I did it around 6 AM.

I actually woke up at 5:30 just to go to the bathroom, and this WILD surprised me :tongue:

Sorry for reviving an old post,but better than posting a new one for a similar problem,right? :grin:

In a few WILD attempts since I posted this,I got stuck :sad: I’ll explain it in detail:

First I wake up (all those attempts were WBTB WILDs ),then stay with my eyes open for a couple of minutes,think about some stuff (lucid dreaming mostly) .Then I lie down on my back and close my eyes.

I feel nothing for a few minutes,then I start “feeling” my body.Like everything that bothers me,like itch,is ten times more bothering.And numbness too.But I don’t stress much about it and I just stay still.After 15-20 minutes of waiting my body goes all “high”,I feel my heart pounding in detail,I feel something in my stomach,my feet shake a little,and I feel like I’m being dragged somewhere,like I’m going somewhere in high speed.Then,I think to myself “calm down,it’s all illusions” it stops,and I just continue laying there.If I don’t think and feel like that,it stops on its own eventually.Then I just can’t resist the temptation to open my eyes because I have a feeling I’m not getting anywhere :bored:

So,anything to add? This is just soo bugging me when I know I’m just this close to having a real WILD. :sad: