Alex said:"I think it should be possible to slow down time in dreams, but not stop it completely.
The brain can only have so many things going on in it at once, with only so many synapses and such, so if we stop time then we would be having an infinite amout of neural actvity going on in our brain at once. I don’t know how this can be possible, do you? "
I think you make a little error in understanding here(hehe soory if that sounds like i do understand it:).let me explain- if we agreed to linear nature of time that would be perfectly right....but the time seems to not work this way.What you said above was about brain features and at what speeds it can work.It doesnt apply to time- time is elastic,can be bent,stretched,time is not linear(its only how we percieve it),therefore there is no connection between our brain and time.We can rememer some evnts in hour heads as longer or shorter, then the same way we can tell them to others in short or longer version-same mechanism-personally varies a lot.
Time can be stopped just because we want it,it can matters not at all because it is other dimension…time nature there is hihly unlikly to be the same like here…even on some points of earth time passes differently.
Grrrrrr…it gets too complicated,but all i wanted to say was to try imiagining time like an outside thing,material that can be manipulated or at least can vary.
Hmmm… time is not really material but rather an idea. All you would need to slow it down in your dreams… or stop it… would be to change your point of view or perhaps just will it. Your brain deals directly with ideas… so it should be entirely possible.
I just read some article in Smithsonian Magazine… maybe it was a Discover… not sure… ANYWAY, this guy is doing this research with turtles and he is finding that they don’t really age. Unlike other animals they are just as vital at a great age than a younger age. Their bodies don’t wear out like other animals (become more fragile andpr withered, lost muscle mass etc) and indeed the older females are capable of laying more eggs than the younger ones with no sign of a limit as with other animals. The guy said that just about every death he can account for in the specific turtle community he has been studying are due to illnesses and outside events (cars or predators). Crazy. Maybe the turtles know something we don’t.
i’ve experienced dreams in which it felt like years in the dream. It worked kind of like a novel in which the writer says only the main details of the period of time. ex.- years passed, he went to college met Anne they got married had kids. Only the important parts are experienced, not the day to day.
I don’t know if its possible to experience each day, each moment of time fully aware of it and have a longer dream, like what you people are more referring to.
However when i think back over my life i likewise exp. the past time only as highlights. If i spent last summer sunning myself, i exp. it as one pleasant memory of four months, plus maybe the exp. of one of those days in which some girl picked me up.
One way in which you can speed up the dream time is not doing small things, don’t walk places, pick up things etc., just assume you just did it and continue from the moment after the action. In a lucid dream every moment should be spent doing exactly what you want to be doing at that moment, and in no other way. Not doing the mechanical motions which you carry out in real life like: when you want food, the act of going and getting food. Which in a dream the act is really senseless. You don’t really remember or think about the act of walking over to the fridge, opening it, shifting the mayonaise out of the way, to get the object of your desire, a can of beer. Your thoght is only on the object of your desire, that can of beer, so skip the rest.
My memory of “how long the dream was” at awakening is based entirely on the memory of what i did. Sometimes this seems like longer than i spent sleeping, like an entire fully booked active day, or two. But on waking its never felt like years or anything. But i do attribute my perception of time to the active seeking of only the highlight moments. So try it!
I once actually skipped the act of even drinking the beer, on top of the fact i already skipped getting the beer out of the fridge and pouring it, etc. I just assumed that i just drank it. I was instantly zonked. Dream beer has such a high alcohol content. Maybe its because i don’t know how much alcohol is in real life beer. My brain over estimates its strength. Better higher than lower it supposes. After all, if you are thirsty there’s better things to drink. <|:D
as I say about anything it is not impossible, just hard.
A long time ago it was impossible to make a ships that could go under water.
For not so long ago, it was impossible to fly.
And it is not very long ago since it was impossible to be conscious enough during a drem that you could control it and understand that it’s only a dream.
For some of you it is still impossible to have longer dreams than reality. Well, it’s not impossible, just alitle hard.
We know too little about time to say that it got limits.
Have you ever seen those flies that dies after a day. They can possible see the time as we see it.
Hwo knows what actualy happends to us when we dream. Maybe we are sent to a different dimention where the time is only what we think it is. Nobody knows, therefor nobody can say than DLTR is impossible.
Lets work on the problem “how” and just ignore those hwo says it is impossible, this only slows down the human evolution.
Erlier when everything new was imposible, everything tok long time to develop. Must of us now knows that everything is possible, and the evolution has never been faster.
alex, even though it seems hard to belive don’t say that stoping time is impossible. even einstein ment that stopping time is possible.
Well people have been LDing during all times. It is just in the last century that LDing has been known to the science. Or is it just me not getting what you mean by this?
it’s U that don’t get it. For some time ago (30yr I think) scientists ment that all the LD stuff was bullshit and that the brain couldn’t pasible be that conssius during a dream. It was up to Dr. LaBerge to prove to the western world that it was passible.
So what I said is correct.
Well my copy of “Tibetan Yoga and the Secret Doctrines” ,one of the original translations of ancient tibetan dream yoga, there is no mention of trying to alter time. In “Yoga of the Dream State” under the chapter Realizing the Dream Content to be Maya it mentions changing fire into water, large into small,one thing into many and vis versa. No mention of altering time.
Time is mentioned in an earlier book to be illusionary in the same sense that birth and death are illusionary.
Try to remember that a lot of things that people said were impossible are impossible(turnig lead into gold for instance). Good luck trying to find a method to alter time in a dream, I want it to be possible as much as anyone. Just remember that people saying it isn’t possible is not proof that it is possible. And human evolution can be slowed by insisting on going down dead end paths as well.
“My memory of “how long the dream was” at awakening is based entirely on the memory of what i did.”
This is something to think of too.We are dealing with two aspects-one is possibility of different perception of time while we asleep and second the way our memory works in different state of conciousness.
And oscar goes to the one with an an asnwer:)