LD4all IRC Chat

LD4all IRC chat

Use these settings:
server: irc.chat4all.org
port: 6667, 6668 or 6669
channel: #ld4all

Quick LD4all IRC Chat guide

To help you get started here are some basic commands, as well as instructions on how to register your name. If you have more questions you can always ask them in the chatroom.

To chat, type your message in the commandline at the bottom of the chatscreen and hit return.
You will see your message appear in the window.

On the right side of the chat window you see who is currently in the chatroom. Everything you type is visible to everybody.

Some basic IRC commands
All IRC commands start with " / ".

/me [message]
If your chatname is Lucy typing /me likes to chat! will show *** Lucy likes to chat!

/msg [name] [message]
This is a private message. Only the person you send it to will see it. If somebody sends you a PM you will see a little icon at the bottom of the chatwindow with that persons name. click on it and you get a new private window for just you two.
example: /msg Lucy hi! how are you? will send Lucy (and only Lucy) the message hi! how are you?

/nick [your name]
This will change your name. For example /nick Lucy will change your name into Lucy.

Registering your name
You can register your nickname, so nobody else can use it. Here you’ll find instructions on that.

In the chatroom you will always meet Lucidus. Lucidus is your helpful LD4all channel bot. You can give him commands. To see all the commands, type !help in the room.

He also knows all lucid dreaming related acronyms. Try typing ? WILD to let him explain what WILD stands for. To see all commands type ? help

The LD4all chatrooms are on an IRC server. Here is more information on IRC.

Be sure to read the chat guidelines.

If you have questions or problems connecting to the chat read Siiw’s LD4all Chat FAQ.

What is the LD4all chat?

LD4all hosts two IRC chatrooms: #ld4all and #dreamtime.

#LD4all is a lucid dreaming themed, general chatroom. Anything that can be posted in the forum, can be discussed there.

#Dreamtime is a more “strictly on topic” chatroom, and can be compared to the Quest for Lucidity subforum.

How do I join?

Both chatrooms are hosted on the Chat4All IRC network. There are different ways to reach the LD4all chat:

-through the LD4all web chat. The link is on top of the forum.
-through web IRC clients like mibbit.com or IrcCloud
-through a standalone IRC client, for example mIRC or xchat
-through a phone IRC client, covered by the phone IRC topic

If you use the webchat, all the settings are already configured, and you will only need to choose a nick. Please note that you will be disconnected if you press the “back” button in your browser.
If you use an IRC client, the settings are:

server: irc.chat4all.org
channel: #ld4all or #dreamtime

More specific, the commands you need in order to access the main #ld4all chat are:

/server irc.chat4all.org
/join #ld4all

Which commands does the chat have?

Ordinary IRC commands apply. Some useful ones are:

/nick changes your nickname
⁄me emote, will show as *yournick action
/msg sends a private message to another user
/query opens a new private messaging window with another user
/join <#channel> joins a different channel
/part <#channel> leaves a channel
/whois shows some info about another user
/quit quits.

What are the rules?

Typing ? rules or ? help in the chat window will show the LD4all chat rules. They can also be found in this forum topic.

There are always some people connected to the chat, but we may be idle. Our users cover many different time zones, and the activity vary. It might be very busy some times and quiet at other times. If it is quiet, it can take some time before somebody notices that somebody is talking, so please be patient. Or why not start a conversation yourself? :slight_smile: If it is very busy in #ld4all, it is usually quieter in #dreamtime.

As on the forum, speaking English in the chat is recommended, because it can be understood by the most people. It is considered impolite to have conversations in a language which few can understand; it is always possible to create a private channel for that. It is of course OK to answer a question from a first time visitor in their native language, if they don’t speak English.

Are there other channels out there?

Chat4all is an IRC network, which hosts multiple channels. Some are public, some private, and some belong to other websites. #LD4all, #wolfgame (which is used for the werewolf/vampire forum game) and #dreamtime are secret channels. This means that users on other channels can’t see them, unless they already are in them. This is done to keep spammers and bots out of the channels. If you explore the other channels on the network, please bear in mind that they are in no way affiliated with LD4all, and that mentioning the channel names there could attract spammers to LD4all. Also, mentioning channel names could be seen as advertising in some channels.

Some other channels you might encounter on Chat4all are:

-#lounge, the chat network’s official and open channel. People from many different sites and communities meet here, including a few LD4all members. It is not in any way affiliated with LD4all.

-#philosophy, a channel for discussion of philosophy and beliefs. It isn’t uncommon for discussions to continue there after starting in #LD4all; it is however not owned by LD4all. This channel hasn’t been used much lately, but chat mods might still direct certain chat topics in there.

-Various wolfgame/vampiregame roleplay channels. You will sometimes be invited by an allied player, and those channels are always strictly secret.

-Some playground roleplaying and “faction” topics might also have channels, the owners of those are free to enforce their own rules as long as general network rules are followed.

-All users are free to create their own channels as needed.

We are not responsible for moderating other channels than #ld4all, #dreamtime and #wolfgame. Questions or complaints about other channels should be directed towards their operators. If you have general IRC questions (for instance about starting your own channel), you can contact the Chat4all staff in #help.

How do I sign up?

It is possible to register your nickname. Doing that will make you the owner of the nick, and you will be able to recover it if somebody for example tries to impersonate you. Many prefer to use the same nick in the forum as in the chat. The nick might already be registered, in that case you can simply choose a different one.

The command for registering your nick is:

/nickserv register password email

The password can be anything you want,as long as it doesn’t contain spaces. For security reasons it is recommend that you use one that is unique and not easily guessed. The email address must be a valid one, because you will receive a mail from Chat4All with a confirmation code. Some mail providers, especially Yahoo, might spamfilter those mails.

What if something is bothering me in the chat?

If somebody in the chat is harassing you, either in the channel or in PM, it is possible to block the user.

/ignore nick will block channel messages from that user
/silence +nick will block private messages from that user

Please don’t hesitate to contact a moderator if something is unclear, or something feels wrong. The moderators can be recognised in chat by a @, & or ~ sign next to their nicks in the list. If you have trouble logging on to chat, please post in the helpdesk.

The LD4all moderators and the Chat4All staff can’t view private messages, or other channels than the ones they are in. Anyone can, however, log and save conversations. Please don’t post chat logs without asking everybody in them for permission.

Chat Guidelines

Keep in mind that the LD4all chatroom is a place for ALL ages

If you want to discuss something, think of this: Would you discuss the same issue in real life in front of minors? Remember that.


This one is too obvious to mention maybe, but the language in #LD4all and #dreamtime is English :slight_smile: The occasional sentence in another language is allowed of course, but if you wish to chat in another language with someone, please do that privately. We have a Dutch ( #droom) and French (#oniris) lucid dreaming chat avaiiable on LD4all as well.

Chat guidelines:
This goes for all rooms:

Please keep in mind that the LD4all chatrooms have been founded for the purpose of lucid dreamers to gather and discuss. In order to keep the environment the same as on the forum there are several rules in place we ask you to abide.

  • Respect each other
  • Don’t misuse the bots on the channel by typing commands multiple times
  • Do not spam
  • Do not repeatedly use offensive language
  • Do not repeatedly talk about sex
  • Don’t repeatedly talk about real life extreme violence
  • No campaigning for or against a topic (example: horrifying or glorifying substances)
  • Don’t pressure others to commit illegal or potentially dangerous activities.
  • No discussion of effects (positive or negative) of illegal substances, or misuse of controlled substances.

If a mod asks you to change subject or stop using a certain word, please do so.
Likewise, if a mod asks you to turn off a chatroom script, please do so.

If you continue to ignore requests from the moderators you will be kicked from the channel.

The rule is “3 strikes and you are out” - After the 3rd kick you will be banned temporarily (a few hours). After this ban you are welcome again. – however, if you need to be kicked one more time you will get banned permanently.

The moderators are very lenient, the consequences are only if you keep ignoring the guidelines, after several times being asked politely to change your behaviour.

note that is a guideline, depending on your behaviour a kick or a ban might be given sooner, the chat moderators decide this.

If you for some reason have been banned, accept it. Nagging the mod that banned you, harassing other users, or complaining about it on the forum is not tolerated and will lead to your ban time being extended.

If you have problems discuss it with a mod (you recognize them because they have an @ or & in front of their name)

Thank you
Thank you for your understanding and enjoy your time in the chat :slight_smile: :user: :grouphug:

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