
well… let me think… aliens controlling our dreams…
during our dreams we are inside a new universe, and becoming lucid inside this universe we have the possibility to make contact with other species that are living at the same level, inside our dreams, so… as we become lucid we are able to live this experience…
… somebody help me… :cool_laugh:
so… your friend needs help :tongue: :tongue:
but, it is a nice idea you know, becaus i had two very interesting dreams related to that once… “i woke up in the night because right over my face there was a light, a beautiful blue light, like inside some sort of fog, slowly the light turned into a shape, and formed itself into a worm like animal, just like a glowing worm, still it was very beautiful, and i was amazed by that sight. After a while i tryed to touch the thing, and in that moment, it tryied to move inside my head, through my forehead, and i was able to grap it, and began fighting if the thing saying " You will not get inside my brain” the thing kept on trying but was not able not get inside and as hard as it got, it dissapeared and i woke up !!!

the second one, i was sleeping and woke up because i heard a weird noise under my bed, i got lucid at that moment, and at the same time scrared, becuase it was a really weird sound, well, i just waited, and soon, a criature, or a shape thing !!! looking like jelly but not blue this time, it was orange, appeared at the end of my bed, and i could see it very clear, and in that moment ran towards me really fast, and i woke up…

so, what do you say about that???
in both dreams i was more or less lucid… so without having any informations about lucid dreams i could say… Aliens tried to control myself, and be 100% sue about that !!!

No she doesn’t! If you’ll read my first post:

It wasn’t her theory. Why do you think she needs help?

I was only giving my view on that question, not this funny alien control topic :grin: Didn’t mean to confuse you

Reality.failure i dont believe we are in another plane when we ld.
Its just my consciousness and my brain. Only speaking of ld here!
A ld is just a dream where your waking consciousness is integrated in.
Your memory neurotransmitter and your memory are a 100 times more active in a ld and in a normal dream then when you are awake.
Memory is pure association…not another plane. Else i would also be in another plane when i close my eyes and see my latest vacation before me…also only memory. dont say to easely its another plane when you dont even have discovered the borders of your own consciousness yet!

Yogi’s in the east that control fully their body functions with their consciousness and also all levels of sleep claim a true out of body experience (astral plane)is below the deep sleep…not dream level.
Well they are so more specialized in this then ppl in the west.
They have experience for hundreds of years.
they say dreams are pure association not another plane…well my experience is the same as they have.
Only talking about dreams and lds here not something else.


I haVe Sooo much to learn.

I got AP/LD mixed up…as usual.


Ooooh. . . . I had a short LD last night started by aliens. . . . I was crawling along this thin platform when I looked out the window. I saw several crappily drawn cartoonish flying saucers. Well the sight of aliens prompted a reality check, and I saw that I had 3 (2 or 3, I can’t remember) fingers.

After that I went through this little quest thing (it wasn’t necessary, it was just for the Legend of Zelda feel) to get something that I would say that “as long as I am wearing this, I will be lucid and not wake up” (I heard that from someone on this site, can’t remember who, though) The LoZ feel was because I was going to have it in a chest from TLoZ: TWW. But before I got to it, I lost lucidity and then I woke up.


[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]

MetaKnight4, can you ask your friend what show she saw this on? I’d really like to know.

On this topic, I’ll share a personal experience and then include some comments. Here is a portion of an entry from my journal.

“…the dream fades into the black void and I maintain my lucidity which is full now. I consider trying to produce a new dream scene. I determine that I want a colorful and vibrant scene so I chant “green grass and sun” over and over. After probably 30 seconds of this I feel an urge to “rise”. All 4 limbs then feel as if someone has grabbed them and is lifting me and then carrying me and my rear end is dangling below the rest of me (as center of gravity as if I WERE being carried in this fashion). This is kinda creepy and I am considering resisting, but I decide to see what happens and some part of me tells me to relax and that this is to be expected. This carrying lasts about 5 seconds and I then, without transition, enter a dream where I am running down a sunny white sandy beach, fully lucid.”

Now, were these actually “aliens” carrying me and assisting me in my dreaming? I had an initial thought like this as it occured, but resisted it, as stray thoughts like this tend to become reality in my dreams. I believe that had I continued this line of thought, then “aliens” would have materialized carrying me off as the content of my new dream scene. Perhaps I would have had an “abduction experience” as well. My practical self believes that my mind itself produced the experience as an explanation that would be “believable” as to how I got from one dream scene to another- i.e. you’re not dreaming and don’t have any control- someone is carrying you from place to place. What is the true explanation? Personally, I would place the odds of this experience actually being caused by aliens as infinitesimally small. But I think that the manner in which experiences are interpreted can be very diverse depending upon individual beliefs and I could definately see how some could draw conclusions such as “aliens are assisting my dreaming” if they had the same experience I did.

Going to make this one short and Sweet :smile: .

I beleave in Aliens 100%

I beleave in Aliens controlling my dreams or having any influance on them 00%

I beleave in God 00%

I beleave in alien ant farm theory 90%

Hope that helps lol

What was the point of saying that you don’t believe in God?

I believe theres some life out there, but I DONT believe that they controlled your friends dreams, lol…

It wasn’t that they controlled her dreams, she said she saw on a TV show that they control lucid dreams.

Oh yeah, lol, Im too tired to read carefully :wink: