I’ve never come across anything like this before, but after reading this thread, I can see how it could be true. Especially given this –
I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced layered dreams with such clarity that you’ve described. However, there does seem to be some similarity in the In-Between space – that space when you’re not quite asleep and not quite awake. Sometimes I just slip in and then slightly slip out. When I slightly slip out, I suddenly become aware that I had been sort of having an auto-pilot dream or thought process, while neither being fully asleep or fully awake. Usually by the time I realize this, the contents of what was just happening begin to rapidly fade. (Which is sometimes super annoying if the contents happened to be something really amazing.)
I’m wondering if there is a thread on here that addresses the mechanisms of forgetting when waking?
Anyway, that is an experience that sort of reaches towards what you are getting at, because one is still awake, while also having this auto-pilot experience just slightly underneath the conscious level. It doesn’t then seem far-fetched to suggest that this is always happening and we may or may not be aware of it.
Another experience that could be relevant is a dream I had after I had been contemplating the idea of bi-location in waking life. I received all sorts of insights about that, during that time. The most potent source of insight being a dream in which I was dreaming two dreams at once. But it was entirely chaotic for me. And in the one dream, I started to become distressed, being unable to really hold to that dream reality. It was a little like losing my mind. The two started to warp and blend and I just couldn’t keep it together. In the dream I ended up just holding on to my partner’s arm to try to ground some point of reference.
If anyone is interested, I’ll make a separate post about that dream and what I learned about bi-locating.
One of the take-aways was that, my mind needs to be prepared and strengthened to be able to hold multiple frames of reference like that, at once, otherwise I risk damaging it. I’m not saying its not possible for others, though. Just, my guidance was like, hey slow down there Tiger, try crawling before running. LOL.
so maybe, in regards to layered dreaming, I’m just not well practiced enough to stretch my awareness in that way, even if the dreams are actually already happening.
the coolest thing that strikes me about this is, it really reminds me of the ideas of “higher self/inner self/oversoul.” In some schools of thought, the Oversoul is the part of us that holds (maybe you can even say, dreams) all the potential iterations of the reality and timelines of the Self/Selves. So, flowofmysoul, (your name is ironically suited to this), it is like you are tuning into this greater awareness.
(( If you want a book recommendation, I think you’d really enjoy the book called The Education of Oversoul Seven, by Jane Roberts))
I’m certain that some of the occurrences of a guiding voice come from this larger self. However, I’ve also had strange occurrences of voices that were just weird and threw me off, that occurred like someone was flipping the dial of a radio to different channels. sometimes the voices are aware of me and talking directly to me, other times they are just going on about something random not related to me.
Sometimes I have this experience, and I’ve heard it is a common one, of hearing these random voices saying arbitrary things, while falling into sleep. Apparently that kind of voice-hearing is also a symptom of sleep deprivation in it’s more advanced stages, but hearing them doesn’t necessarily mean you’re suffering from sleep deprivation. It can also just happen.