Always Yourself In A Dream?

Hmm… I suppose it’s kind of funny, that you still know how it was to be such a little kid. :smile:

It’s the same as with Zup here… I’ve always been myself in my dream, as far as I can remember. Not younger versions either.

At most my body was a little different. In one I seemed to walk on four limbs. I tried to stand on two, but that was really difficult! But in spite of this, I knew I was still the same Eddy. :content:

I’m rarely myself in my dreams. I’m usualy at least slightly different. In one dream I changed from a small boy to a teenage girl, and then to a fox with wings. It’s wierd, but fun.

I’m usually myself in my dreams. Although a couple of days a go I was Jessica Alba.

Same for me. I’m usually more confident in dreams but that’s the only difference i can think of.