Are males more obsessed with their looks?

Actually, passive smoking is not a big deal in my opinion. It probably affects your long term health but I seriously doubt it affects your immediate shape and condition.
Just start doing any sports!
Its addictive.
I saw Adhani’s post now.
Though I wasn’t saying this is good nor bad, I definitely agree with you. In any case, I’m just stating the facts and this truth can be put on many men and women these days.

Well I’ve noticed that I care more about my appearance now than I used to. I’m careful with hygiene and I wear better fitting clothes. I also made an effort to lose weight by going jogging. I don’t think that’s being a “metrosexual” it’s just being aware of how your appearance affects the way people react to you. It’s unfortunate but the world we live in is pretty shallow.

Having said that, I’m not obsessed with my appearance… so maybe we’re talking about something different?

I will admit, I am a tad bit CARING about my looks, such as my hair when in public, should I wear a hat? Not really anything. I noticed I look good as long as I wear a polo shirt, my glasses are up, and my hair is normal. I take A LOT of pictures of myself, but just for my Facebook profile.

My problem is like Hebrew’s, I’m a bit, but only a bit overweight. Very weak looking too. I was told all I need to do is lose a little weight, and add some blond to my hair. Thats all!

This is just 'cause of the whole “got-to-look-good-or-else” thing going around

Seriously? thats pretty suprising…is your girlfriend pretty strong?

I don’t believe women are an exhausted market at all, that’s almost a crazy thought.

I think men are being invited into the beauty market and that’s why men-specific products are being commercialized and promoted moreso now than ever. There’s a substantial amount of money to made in the “look gorgeous or die trying” industry society has created and people want a piece of it.

I feel as if men have cared about their looks just as much as women have. Without dating myself I can remember older family members, males, making sure their pants were perfectly pressed, their hair just right and time spent looking in the mirror was almost insane. Today metrosexuality has allowed men to publicly admit their interests in self image without the fear of being labeled “homosexual” or too feminine.

So are men more conscious of their looks today; I don’t think so. I believe they are just more comfortable with beauty/looks.

Do women like it more? I’m not too sure about that. Some of us don’t and some do. I personally have a problem with a man’s eyebrows being perfectly groomed. It just isn’t a look right on all of them.

Nope… to be honest, she doesn’t have that much muscle on her, but, yeah, i’ve only ever won an arm wrestle once.

/me is surprised as well

you look pretty strong, Jason, are you sure you’re doing it right? :tongue:

There is nothing wrong with a man caring about the way he looks, thats a good thing. Although I would not go as far as to say that most men care more about it then women. Can you say [b]gay[/b]? :smile:

water is also toxic. i wouldn’t want to be hugging someone who sips that deadly poison and i feel bad for them too. sigh. soap (and other cleansing/hygienic products) is one of the marvel inventions of humanity that has enabled us to survive as long as we have and develop the complex society that we live in. plus i was forced to eat it when i was younger and had a potty mouth. it tastes bad but i promise you it is not toxic. so go ahead and take a shower with soap and wash your hair. you’ll be okay. i promise. and it won’t be as unbearable for me the next time i have to sit next to you in class or on the bus.