Asteroid to Strike Mars?

Yes, exactly. But i’m thinking in the ways of our accomplishments.

well astronomicaly it is almost imposibal that a comet that close to earth hasn’t been found yet.

I heard about this asteroid. It was told from my religion teacher.

I think that if it will hit mars, it will probarly do a pretty massive damage, and I don’t really think that it will blow up before it hits the ground. :razz:

But good thing it didn’t hit earth, because that could have caused a real big mess. :sad:

It’s not going to happen after all :sad:

Story here

It would be cool if something happened to warm up Mars a little and get all that buried frozen water flowing again. A space body hitting probably wouldn’t accomplish that, though, because it would send particles up into Mars’ atmosphere and cause the planet to cool even more. And even if it just happened to hit an old volcano and get it erupting again (Olympus Mons, for example) that would still send more particles up into the atmosphere and cool things down even more.

I think its still important to consider the kinetic energy that such an object would bring to Mars. Upon impact, that energy would be turned into heat, so a very massive impact might still warm the planet up enough for its water to become liquid again.

it would be sweet if a ball of radioactive mass hit mars. Then it might start sinking towards the core to create a system like earths, of course you and I and possibaly even humankind wont be around if that would happen

Well take a look at this – What would create such a hole without any features to indicate a bottom to it, or even irregular sides on the way down?

im not saying earth got its core that way, and i was mostly joking w/my last post

Maybe underground caves. If the roof of the cave collapsed it might look a bit like this. I think the page you linked to says a little something about the possibility of caves as well (Mars did once have liquid water, it could have carved out lots of caves).

But if it was just a roof collapse, why is it a perfect circle?

In the end i dont think it would matter, with Mars’ core in a state of inactivity it has zero magnetic field to protect it from solar winds and as such the atmosphere is constantly stripped away leaving it very cold.

If you look closely, you can see that it is actually a fairly odd circle.

You’re right, I forgot about that. Still, I think it would be an interesting phenomenon to see, even if it only lasted a few hundred thousand years (that’s plenty of time for us to see some Martian oceans after all :grin: )

Yeah but it would be cool if a sulfurous comet simply exploads on mars creating a Venus like atmosphere, or maybe a ball of frozen CO2, if Mars could contain a sufficient ammount of it, Mars would be inhabitable, if not by humans by bacteria.

I drew a circle inside of it using Photoshop, and it looks like the crater isn’t that far off from being a perfect circle:

Quick, we better warn those martians! Do you think that a martian Bruce Willis will save the day?

The trouble is that most of these similarities are superficial. What we would learn from this is the effect of one big rock colliding with another, even bigger, rock. This would have limited use when talking about Earth/meteor impacts. We would learn nothing about the effects of the impact on life, nothing about it’s effects on oceans and probably most importantly not that much about how it would effect the landmass of the Earth itself. Mars (if I’m remembering right) is tectonically dead so we would learn nothing about the way that continental plates would react to such an impact.

Still, it would be awesome to see.

Anyone else hear about those Martian rockslides? Apprently near one the poles there was a massive collapse and a fiar bit of debris including ice went on a little destructive trip.

Like this one?

That is interesting. I thought just us could have rockslides. :razz:

hehe, rocks can slide no matter what planet they’re on!

edit: that hehe was not a little girl’s titter, that was more like a heh-heh!