Becoming Small?

Ok so I had a LD last night and I wanted to become small like size of an ant, but I could not figure out how to manipulate my mind into making it happen. I did however succeed in making my arms turn into wings which was first attempt. I tried getting into a fish tank in another LD but could not fit because again I could not make myself small enough. Any Suggestions? :content:

Make everything else bigger :tongue:

It switches the focus from you to the environment. I think it would work well…

A friend of mine suggested that earlier today I think it’s a great idea I think it will work. Thanks!

Yeah, that’s a great idea. The only time I’ve tried to shrink in a LD was like that. I woke up half way though… I just imagined everything around me getting taller. If you have trouble starting you can crouch slowly and when you get to the limit of crouching just imagine the environment continues changing in that same way. You could even try getting under something like a table and pushing it up! :happy:

There’s always Wyvern’s guide on the subject :wink:

the thing about changing size is don’t imagine yourself changing size, imagine the environment changing size. :slide:
