I am not sure if I am having SP or not…I have been trying to use SP to have a LD. One time a few months ago I was just trying to WILD and I got to a point where it felt like I was spinning and shaking (crazy feelings) and I quick sat up only to find out that when I looked in the mirror at the end of my bed I did not see myself. I am guessing this should have been an obvious sign I was dreaming but I was just completely confused about the whole thing. A few nights ago I was specifically trying for SP and after a little while it felt like my whole body was ripping through space or something ( I don’t know how to describe it but it feels like I’m falling and there is a very loud rushing sound). This startled me and I woke up. This morning I was trying for the same thing and this time I began to see what I think is HI (I saw pictures coming and going) and I began to zoom in on one picture and the crazy rushing feelings started happening again (less intense this time). I am not fully concious when all of this is happening so it is hard to remember exactly what happened but I sat up again and my vision was COMPLETELY messed up. It was like shattered glass and everything was mixed up. Of course this freaked me out and I just dropped back down to my pillow. I’m assuming this was another FA but I have read that SP can make you hallucinate so I was wondering what you guys thought. Sounds like I’m pretty close right???
very close indeed! You halucinate in SP sometimes, but if you sat up that means you were in the dream, so halucination there is already the dream!
The weird spinning, shaking and ripping are signs of SP, and what you saw was HI.
You’re doing great, so keep practicing until you feel comfortable with all these weird things. Then it’s easier to relax and enter a dream
I dont know if im reaching SP or not, is it possible to skip SP right into HI? Or is my SP just not as noticeable as others?
I lie with my eyes closed and relax my whole body slowly with breaths, and after a long time I can start to see the weird patterns and I can almost get into a dream but I keep losing it as its coming.
Although my body may feel really weird sometimes, I can feel a body part nudge or jig out sometimes, and my body can be buzzing or numbing, except I can still move my body if I want to, at least I think I can, I try not to move as much as I can and it feels like a vibe around my body.
If I ever do really move one of my fingers just to see, it feels weird like its buzzing even more, and it feels like an explosion of that tingling feeling you get when a body part is sleeping.
It’s pretty common fot SP to go unnoticed. When I get HI I never feel SP
I tried this last night, and it worked good! I woke up and remembered not to move, and almost right away I was in SP. When I was in sp, i tried to visualize where I wanted to be, but instead, my body started doing this breakdance spinning thing on my back and then a handspring out of bed, and I landed on my feet.
Obviously I knew I was dreaming after that, but I did a reality check by looking at my hands, and they looked normal. That probably distracted me from doing other reality checks, because I spent the rest of my dream walking around wondering why my hands looked normal. The dream lasted for about a minute, then I blinked, and when i opened my eyes again, i was in bed. I’ll definitely keep working on this technique!
Had my first WILD two nights ago. Didn’t expect it to work, since I’d never tried it before, but hey I’m not complaining. But reading through this topic I realise that there was something strange about my SP. Most people are talking about twitching or shaking and stuff. I simply felt I was falling! I kept my calm and soon after that I entered the dream.
Is that normal though? Sleep paralysis in the form of falling?
I tried SP during the day to see if a certain technique of making it come faster worked, and heres what happenned, since I’m not quite sure:
My body felt heavier, and I could sit up, just a bit harder to do. But then, a few seconds after sitting up, I would just tip over with no control of the fall. Was the tipping over SP?
When I try Vild/Wild I enter what I think is the beggining of sp after about 15mins (if I’m lucky if not then I ussually fall asleep)
I get just watch the pictures that form in front of my eyes and they eventually form into a blurry video. (don’t really know what happens then since I just seen to have no perception of time and just get absorbed sort of) I then get a tingle/waves in my body and occasionally falling sensations(all quite pleasant). However me realising this brings me out of that state I said above and then I lose the sp sensation and become more awake.
I know that there probably isn’t a definative answer except what is allready said about ignoring and other stuff. However just asking if there are any other ways.
/me wakes up this topic.
So I got the furthest I’ve ever gotten into SP.
Basically, I started focusing solely on counting. I have tinnitus constantly so I started focusing on the ringing tone in my head. I started seeing some imagery out of the blackness. It was trampolines positioned on the top and bottom of a long psychedelic tunnel. I kept bouncing between them, while going further down the tunnel. Every time I hit a trampoline I heard the ringing sound “vibrate” for lack of better words and be replaced by a loud crashing sound. After a few times, I fell asleep.
I’d like to share with you all Two things, 1 being my 2nd attempt at wilding and going into SP and 2, how to deal with SP.
The duration of this WILD attempt was 1 hour and 20 minutes, I laid flat in bed (no pillow) with a blanket covering me. Meditated for a bit, mentally spoke to my subconcious telling him/her (havnt met yet) what I was planning to do and reminding myself to stay aware. At about 30-45 minutes into it, I hit SP. I’m very comfortable with it and never had a problem with it so it did not throw me off guard, I tried opening my eyes which I did but did not see anything out of the ordinary so I closed them again. I felt the familiar sensation I had the last time I intended a WILD (2/2 I went into SP). Except this time it was a bi different, I corrected the mistakes I made last time by trying to force something to happen while in SP because I had gotten excited and thought that this is where I go lucid but little did i know (and found out today) that my concious was wide awake. Anyways, the difference with todays SP was that I could feel which is what I believe to be electro-magnetic forces (natural occurence on our planet) in my arms and legs. Note the way I was laying down was I had my legs spread apart creating an upside down V and my arms were away from my sides. The feeling I experienced was if my legs and arms were being attracted to eachother, it was a steady vibration. This sensation lasted until the end of the session when I decided to open my eyes. Once I did, I felt extremely light and I thought that I could pull my spirit out of my body (astral proj.) but when I did I just ended up physically pulling myself up lmao. So tonight before I go to bed, I’ll keep myself only SLIGHTLY aware and post my experience tomorrow.
Now for all you people who have the problem with SP. I believe that the main thing you should focus on if you go into SP is to stay calmn and remind yourself that this is a natural occurrence. I think that when you’re caught off guard because you don’t know what is going on, you PANIC which is something you don’t want to do. Embrace it and make your away AROUND it so that you can continue on with your journey by telling yourself to not forget to do an RC when you get into the dream or imagine what you want to dream of, basically just think of ANYTHING related to going lucid.
I Know this is late, but one time, my brother woke up and he was still under sleep paralysis, so he decided to stay there and not move for the mean time, and he saw really vivid hallucinations 0.0
From what i know about SP, you CANT move. If you are not sure if you are havimg SO, then you are not having it. This has been said by a member of this forum that I dont remember the name… It is true, all my life ive haD SP, and when you experience it, you know that it is SP. If you say " oh, i was having SP and tryied not to move but Idid some break dance moves" sorry, this is haluccinating or dreaming, not SP
My experience with SP was kind similar, something like two weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night, drank some water and was like “wtf, I’m going to try this”. Well, I lied down for some time(20 minutes or so) and then started to vibrate a lot, I could hear a loud heartbeat(obviously a hallucination). There were no images before this and after some shaking I had no idea how to continue! I think I fell asleep shortly after that… Yesterday I had the same thing happen to me and thought I’d ask for suggestions!
P.S It really wasn’t scary even the first time, but I would freak out if I heard breathing next to me
For me, SP in the past has gone hand-in-hand with OBE’s (WILD’s to some)…frequently precipitating any number of ripping, roaring, thrumming sounds coupled with some of the most outrageous bodily vibratory sensations I’ve ever experienced. Sometimes scary as hell…always exciting The key is to be excited and yet utterly relaxed/detached…because too much excitement squelches the momentum of the transition. Very often, after the transition…I can lift/roll right out of my body and into the OB state…or the WILD right there in the room I’m sleeping in. Fun, fun, fun!
Also, though, SP can precipitate some pretty scary dream images that seem to materialize in the very air about me…all kinds of hellish creatures. This seemed to have stopped, however, after I was being tormented by this particularly frenetic silhouette beastie thrashing around on the floor beside the bed while I was in SP…had all the energy of a fish flopping around in the bottom of a boat it inadvertantly jumped into. Just as my fear seemed to escalate to exquisite proportions (my fear seemed to drive the antics of this ghoul in some unspeakable connection), I managed to suddenly complete the transition to my dreaming body…and reached out suddenly to grab the monster by the wrist. It immediately turned to black smoke in my hands and slowly dissapated into nothing. LOL…unnerving, yet indispensible lesson was my impression…facing huge fear that seemed insurmountable.
Stacked posts edited together… if you want to add more to what you said, you can use the “edit” button in the upper right corner of your post
“Is that normal though? Sleep paralysis in the form of falling?”
Yeah, yeah…happens frequently in SP. Also the sensation of flipping over as if the bed is suspended on an axle through its center (from side to side) and it slowly rolls forward…backward. All kinds of precipitous motion…sometimes with this outrageous acceleration sensation, which sometimes is accompanied by the visual HI of stars streaking past you a la Star Trek