I heard of it happening in my country too. but don’t think it was on new years, i think it was some days after.
Perhaps it would be interesting to consider, that there is some stuff happening with the Earth’s magnetic poles right now.
Slashdot: Magnetic Pole Shift Affects Tampa Airport
I’m not sure its useful to begin getting hyped up over if something is happening, however it is interesting. I don’t have a huge amount of time to go delving into the details about the species, but it would not surprise me if the particular species affected relied on / used the earth’s magnetism. The fact it is shifting could have had an adverse affect on them.
As has been pointed out, it seems unlikely that fireworks are to blame directly, perhaps combined with another factor they may have had a role, but there was a massive amount of fireworks, much more than normal set off in 2000, yet nothing like this happened.
LOL yea… I think Ive got dice on the brain.
I think we should bring back the 2012 topic now that its so close, and with signs such as Airports adjusting there instruments, because North is shifting, and now animals are dying. Its becoming a real thing it seems.
Personally at this moment I’m putting my money on disease. As far as I know birds and fish can share deseases, be subject to similar virusses and carry them. This could also explain why only certain species are dying; some species are probably more vunereable to the… sickness?.. then others…
Got no evidence, have no idea if there’s evidence against but for me this sounds the likeliest…
Personally at this moment I’m putting my money on disease. As far as I know birds and fish can share deseases, be subject to similar virusses and carry them. This could also explain why only certain species are dying; some species are probably more vunereable to the… sickness?.. then others…
Got no evidence, have no idea if there’s evidence against but for me this sounds the likeliest…
Well, it isn’t neccessarily easy for viruses to spread between birds and fish, but on this kind of scale, we would see more widespread areas affected, rather than small pockets of populations. Also, the fact that all the dead animals (except for the cows) basically had their insides pulverized in some sort of blunt force trauma, I think that can rule out disease (once again, except for the cows.)
Not saying you are wrong, but I’m just providing more information.
Also, the fact that all the dead animals (except for the cows) basically had their insides pulverized in some sort of blunt force trauma, I think that can rule out disease (once again, except for the cows.)
Not saying you are wrong, but I’m just providing more information.
Perhaps you could source it, because this is the first I have heard about them being pulverised inside. The only reports I’ve heard have said, there is no evidence of poisoning and only some evidence of stress. I’d have thought something like this would have been very heavily reported. So once again, source please. (I should add, reputable source please, not an arbitrary conspiracy site.)
Run for your lifes, dudes!
Allso dont forget about the three giant UFOs arond the sun… Going to be a very, very interesting year people. Thank god I kept up with LDing to prepair me spiritualy. Everything is in its right place.
Allso dont forget about the three giant UFOs arond the sun… Going to be a very, very interesting year people. Thank god I kept up with LDing to prepair me spiritualy. Everything is in its right place.
Area 51 Shooting range LD?
2012…I think i’m going to do a lot of RC just to be sure…
The birds that fell in Arkensas had died from blunt force drama, and somewher cant remmberr where. There were fish with there eyes removed. This is so sureal. Hell I say bring it on. I knew the new decade was going to be intersting, but I didnt think it would be like this, and this soon.
Oh as of Jan 17th over 9000 buffolo died.
The reason the fish don’t have eyes is because when animals die, (the fish having washed ashore) birds and other scavengers target the soft tissues (the eyes, the tongue, etc) to eat first. They’re easy to get to and consume.
youtube.com/watch?v=rU7BP-jc … re=related
There are now 13 zodiac signs…
Look people a rare winter solace eclipse, animals start dying, in Greenland the sun rose two days earlier, Then the pole shifted, and now a new zodiac sign? Its I knew it would be intersting, but I didnt think it would all start so soon. Its becoming hard to denie, and ignore. Now there is this… youtube.com/watch?v=G8d7pBNc … re=related
This was posted on the 16th. Is this really happning it feels like something from a apocoliptic dream. I keep doing RCs. I really think its time to get the 2012 topic up again. People need to talk about these magor changes taking place.
Now stock up on emergency supplies people better safe then sorry.
Allso dont worry, because everything will be OK. Before you were born you asked for a spiritual apocoliptic adventure, and now the time is aproaching so “Dont panic” This is why we became LDers to prepair us. How many apocoliptic dreams have you had? We are ready to go into the next diminsion it may be hard to believe, but hell isnt life a trip? Im ready for it. Bring it. No fear, only faith. Dont forget about the very rare Winter Solace eclipse on Dec 21, 2010. Two years from the target date. Its going to be a gradual shift, but we are in for some rough times, just remmber. Have faith.
There are now 13 zodiac signs…
Look people a rare winter solace eclipse, animals start dying, in Greenland the sun rose two days earlier, Then the pole shifted, and now a new zodiac sign? Its I knew it would be intersting, but I didnt think it would all start so soon. Its becoming hard to denie, and ignore.
I’m not so sure sceptics are denying or ignoring it, just saying, assuming that its some massive spiritual revelation is a bit premature and unfounded. I’d like to hear the exact logic that explains how a bunch of animals dying is directly linked to a big spiritual change. To be quite frank, I’m not sure I like the idea of seeing spiritual events being marked by mass random deaths of innocent creatures, what kind of justice is that.
Now there is this… youtube.com/watch?v=G8d7pBNc … re=related
This was posted on the 16th.
Earthquakes always happen… It’s a good thing, its only when there are no earthquakes for a long time you should worry, since it means the pressure has built up along the fault line and will release suddenly in a very destructive way.
Is this really happning it feels like something from a apocoliptic dream. I keep doing RCs. I really think its time to get the 2012 topic up again. People need to talk about these magor changes taking place.
Funny, I still get up and go to work every day. It’s clear you are seeking to see that things are drastically changing, I really doubt you are the only one. What you seek hard enough you shall find; whether or not it is there.
Now stock up on emergency supplies people better safe then sorry.
Stop scaremongering please, the skys aren’t falling at the moment, and if they do, a few supplies aren’t really going to do very much now are they.
Allso dont worry, because everything will be OK. Before you were born you asked for a spiritual apocoliptic adventure, and now the time is aproaching so “Dont panic” This is why we became LDers to prepair us.
Your beliefs, and ideas about reality, not facts, please don’t forget this, or you’ll lose yourself in a fantasy you create for yourself.
How many apocoliptic dreams have you had?
Several, just like every other person in the world, including those who lived hundreds of years ago and died uneventful deaths. It’s presumptuous to assume mine are any different. Like I said, what you seek you shall find, whether its true or not.
We are ready to go into the next diminsion it may be hard to believe, but hell isnt life a trip? Im ready for it. Bring it. No fear, only faith. Dont forget about the very rare Winter Solace eclipse on Dec 21, 2010. Two years from the target date. Its going to be a gradual shift, but we are in for some rough times, just remmber. Have faith.
I’m not about to condemn as impossible the idea that things might be changing. As I’ve said before, “Things are changing, like they always do” I’m just not convinced making a big deal out of it is useful or healthy. Escaping reality into fantasy because you are not happy with your reality is far from spiritual.
I haven’t seen anything yet that can’t be explained by some scientific reason, except maybe the birds but I think there is a reason but we simply haven’t found it yet.
The cows and buffalo’s froze to death
The earthquakes just happen… always have, always will… shit happens
The magnetic pole does shift… always has, always will… so?
The video you posted about the zodiac signs even explained that the world wobbles… always has, always will… just because this time there is a species of animals around that looks at the sky doesn’t mean apocalypse. (Though I do think humans are able of creating their own…)
Also I am quite puzzled by you at first telling us to get our emergency supplies ready and then tell us not to worry.
The only thing I might do is always carry a towel on me from now on, just in case… Oh and pen and paper, because if The Riders do come I want their autographs…
There are now 13 zodiac signs…
I just recently heard about this, so I was curious to see if mine had changed. My birthday lies in the exact center of the Ophiucus range.
And to think i was doing well recovering the last couple years. “I’m sorry Loah, I don’t see that red light spread across the floar”. “I’m telling you Loah, there really IS a red light spread across the floar.” Life can never be simple, can it?
There’s another possibility. Global warming. Maybe birds in those places (south america) are sensitive to change of temperature.
One more. Diseases. This happened in 1999. 6 months after it happened doctors discovered that they were all infected with diseases that causes blindness.
I saw a blind cat once, but blind birds, thats hilarious! :L
Still, i do feel bad for them, but you have to admit its a bit funny :L
maybe its to do with the fact that we’re close to 2012, this COULD have happened last year and we didn’t know about it because it was unimportant, but now people are using it to use the ideology that coincidental bad omens = END OF TEH WORLD.
Don’t know if there’s any other people here following The Onion but I simply had to post this here.
Makes me laugh…
Something tells me that when 2012 has passed like any other, the 2012 believers will somehow find a way to twist and turn some random events from 2012 to try and make us believe that we either did go to another dimension, but we fail to see it or that it’s going to happen next year.
I don’t know much about this, only what I’ve heard on here. But then again, I’m never able to keep up with current events farther than my neighborhood. I had a thought:
We know about human brainwaves, and how they function magnetically (?), is it possible that these animals were reliant on earths magnetic field’s positioning? Maybe the change disrupted something about their interaction with the magnetic field, that caused their brains to give out?
That was just a thought I had. It’s obviously wrong, or it would have been figured out. Either that or I just have no idea what I’m talking about.