Body Is Not Relaxed ?

I’m am trying my best to just even remember my dreams, but I when I wake up, I feel so refreshed but the mind is blank in terms of my dream. Now I tend to wake up to see my sheets kicked around during the middle of the night, it happens to my pillows as well so I assume it maybe this could be a excuse why I cannot remember my dreams as my body is not really relaxed.

Could this be a problem why I cannot remember them?

Edit: Also I forgot to mention, that I do remember some dreams, just not everynight.

Do you drink caffiene? I read somewhere that if you drink enough caffienated drinks during the day, you’ll go through withdrawel when you sleep.

:welcome: hello SleepyTime
since you wake up feeling refreshed, you must be dreaming ok :content: so in my opinion it’s just a matter of training your dream recall.
We have a big remembering dreams topic in the stuff forum link

Hi SleepyTime! welcome

Sometimes I may not remember a specific dream but an idea instead; the idea will stick with me all day (depending on what it was) and later I may be able to link it back to a dream I had. maybe try that.

I agree with Moogle. If you are feeling refreshed when you wake up, then it’s just remembering your dreams that you need to work on.

The best thing you can do is have a DJ beside your bed at ALL times. When you wake up in the middle of the night, or in the morning write down the first thing you remember. You may not be able to recall all of your dreams, but one simple word can help. For example, you dreamed of dancing cats in skirts on a hot tin roof in sunny Mexico. You wake up and all you can remember is “cats”, write it down in your DJ. As time progresses you will be able to recall more of your dreams.

I would also recommend doing affirmations before going to bed. For example say “I will remember my dreams tonight”, say this over and over for about 15 minutes before you go to sleep every night.

There are other great and helpful tips around the forum that can definitely help with your recall.

Good Luck!

Hey sleepy time. :wave:

I totally agree with the DJ beside the bed. It can even help your recall if you make it part of your routine when you go to bed to check your DJ. I just make sure that it’s where I can get at it easily when I wake in the early hours, that it’s open at a fresh page and my torch is beside it with a pen. I do this every night and I sometimes read mine before I go to sleep just so that I have my own dreams in my head as I drift off.

If you’re having real difficulty in remembering specifics you could try focusing on how you feel when you wake up as this will usually be linked with the type of dream you’ve woken from. If you record these ‘feelings’ then you’ll begin to fall into the pattern of recording remenants of dreams which should hopefully lead on to more substantial recollections.

Good Luck :ok: