Book of Kin [last entry: Ysim]

Kin 16 here, like Xetrov… Can’t say I ken what the poem actually means though, heh… any good resources on the matter?

Also, where can I find my real mayan [traditional?] kin?

Been curious since I first found out dreamspell didn’t match it, heh. for your traditional kin.

As for finding interpretations, I find this site to be useful: … dings.html

But remember… much like a dream, someone else can only say what it means to them. You have to decide what the words of the signature mean to you.

wow all this time and i’ve never posted here >.> oh well

Self-Existing Moon day 13
Year of the Red Resonant Moon

kin 25: Red Crystal Serpent

I Dedicate in order to Survive
Universalizing Instinct
I seal the Store of Life Force
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I am guided by the power of Navigation

edit: eh… i was already on the list :bored: oops

Solar Moon day 21
Year of the White Cosmic Wizard

kin 218: White Planetary Mirror

I Perfect in order to Reflect
Producing Order
I seal the Matrix of Endlessness
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the power of Death

Cosmic Moon day 3
Year of the Red Resonant Moon

kin 7: Blue Resonant Hand
I Channel in order to Know
Inspiring Healing
I seal the Store of Accomplishment
With the Resonant tone of Attunement
I am guided by the power of Self-generation

/me cries. :cry:

What happened to mine? (230)

wut wut where? is it gone? paste your poem again and it will magically reappear :wink:

You guys forgot about me… :cry:


Kin 99: Blue Galactic Storm
I harmonise in order to catalyse
Modelling energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of abundance

kin 105: Red Magnetic Serpent
I Unify in order to Survive
Attracting Instinct
I seal the Store of Life Force
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

Resonant Moon day 20
Year of the White Cosmic Wizard

kin 161: Red Overtone Dragon
I Empower in order to Nurture
Commanding Being
I seal the Input of Birth
With the Overtone tone of Radiance
I am guided by the power of Universal Water

Mine’s in the wrong place, but at least it’s there. :smile:

no it’s not - you must be dreaming :tongue:

Wow! What’s wrong with my eyes today? :tongue:

Just for the record and book keeping I am kin 25.


Kin 146 : White Electric World-Bridger
I Activate in order to Equalize
Bonding Opportunity
I seal the Store of Death
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Heart
I am a galactic activation portal… enter me.

White Mage Cid

kin 26: White Cosmic World Bridger [kin=26]

I endure in order to Equalize
Transcending Opportunity
I seal the Store of Death
With the Cosmic tone of Presence
I am guided by the power of Heart

WMC: type [kin=x] where x is the number of the kin you want to display.

so your kin:

Oh, so many people! And I’m on holiday… :sad:
Don’t feel forgotten if you don’t find you in the book the next day. I’ll catch on in two weeks. :wiske: