Can Lucid Dreaming make you psycic / increase your IQ?

These abilities are not destroyed, just much harder to awaken.

The world was ending, now, if you’ll pay attention, you see an opposite process undergoing. and yes, that was indeed the reason. Times have changed and new time on this planet is beginning.

The important thing is to think this. That is much more powerful than saying it.

Eyelids. I like your post, especially the Morpheus quote :content:

Player07, very optimistic post, hope you’ll do better and better.

I doubt it. I used to play tons and tons of video games when I was younger. And I was having LDs without knowing what they were… And I have a very vivid imagination.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that video games are the reason.

Meditation is very helpful indeed, for lucid dreaming and anything at all really.
The fact that people who meditate regularly will have a much better success rate with LDing is undeniable and also, quite obvious.
I don’t know about calling video games the opposite of meditation.
If any, then it’s more like freaking out, panic attack maybe?
But that’s just being silly anyhow.
There are no opposites.
Everything in the universe is a configuration of the same thing .
Practically, there are no opposites. Darkness is not the opposite of light, it is a degree of light. Poverty is not the opposite of richness but a degree of it.

Although it is not accurate and your imagination can play a big part in games (depends on the individual), I can pretty much relate to that, especially when we’re talking about people who are addicted (let’s be honest, the vast majority is), and I have to admit that these days, I never play video games. Not because I think badly of them or anything like that but simply because I never want to… Lately, I never have a boring moment and Im always doing something truly important for myself, so playing video games is really not for me right now. And this is an ex junkie speaking. :lol:

I didn’t get that… reader, writer? what are you talking about.
Beating computer games usually doesn’t require any imagination, all you need is to care enough for it.
And you can have a sequel for a game labeled ‘final’ if you know people are gonna buy it… you know that

I don’t think a psychic dream is agreed to be anything too specific. I’m guessing any dreams that involve anything paranormal can be related to as psychic dreams.


I’ve noticed since I’ve taken up Lucid dreaming and acully had some LD’s, I’ve noticed that I have become more aware to things others are not. I’ve also noticed I can read into peoples body language, facial expressions and their voices better. Not a huge increase, but better then what it used to be.
Not necicarily “phychic”, but more aware or open minded.

being “psychic” is (literally) being aware.

Well of course, rev, a lot of what I said is exaggeration, what with the whole ‘opposites’ thing - I was just referring to the fact that when you’re playing a game you usually aren’t using your imagination to ‘make things up’ and you’re comlpetely focusing your attention on something outside yourself, while in meditation you are drawing yourself inward (according to most belief systems; of course some say that you are in fact opening yourself up to the whole universe, but I believe the two things are the same in some peculiar way).

And I myself have played lots of games in my time, I just got burnt out. Thinking back to all those sunny Saturdays I could have spent out side or doing something productive makes me sad. I remember how great I felt when I first beat FF7, but now looking back it barely had an affect on my life at all, except taking up my time. I didn’t learn anything from it . . .

About the reading and writing - I just meant that I really like to read, and by default I like to write. On the surface this is hardly any more productive that video games, but you have think about how much imagination it takes to completely envision a scene. I can envision a characters room from a book I read five years ago as clearly as I can my own room at home down to every detail (clothes draped on the back of a chair, little knick knacks all about the place), and that took years of reading to get the detail I see in my mind now. How much easier would it be to create your own dream scene if your mind was already trained on a subconscious level to creat complete mental environments?