Can you make youself wake up from a LD?

Thanks guys. Youve helped much.

I have been studying LDs for 3 days now, and I used to be able to remember about 1 dream per week, but since I started the techniques stated here, I have remebered 5 dreams in 3 days!! I think im getting somwhere! :cool_laugh:

I have been studying some dreamsigns from these and the most promenant sign is…airplanes. I would assume that is because I am a student pilot, but since I see airplanes everyday, it might not trigger any abnormal response from me, so I will keep working at it.

Also, I have been using the technique where I drink alot of water before sleeping so that I either dream of a bathroom, and I use that as a dreamsign, or I wakeup early and go back to sleep and that makes it much easier to have an LD apperantly.

Any suggestions?


I did that my first lucid dream immediately after becoming lucid by shouting WAKE UP in my dream. From then on my brain associated being lucid with waking up and automaticly woke myself up as soon as I became lucid. My last two lucid dreams I lucked out and had a false awakening instead of waking up. I immediately cleared my dream scene and painted a new one and proceeded being lucid for about 2 minutes.

It’s wered now i think about it. When I was a little younger I had a LD before I knew about them but the weired thing was I wasnt like woo I am dreaming I was acting as if I knew I was all along. It happend when me and some of my mates were kicking the crapp outta some baddies and we were the X-men. In my dream I heard my alarm clock go off (its a walace and gromit one, most brits will know what this is, dunno about the americans tho) anyway My alarm clock went off and we all stoped fighting :neutral: the X-men and the baddies looked at me and I said I gotta go guys :sad: and they ALL (even bad guys) went ‘Awwww Mannnn’ I was quite annoyed as I was having the time of my life. I said bye to everyne and tryed to wake up. I couldnt then I went up to gambit and said ‘Hey dude, throw a few of your cards at me please’. He smiled and nodded I waved at everyone and they some shouted Cya round Brett (thats my real name ) I smiled and said Cya. Gambit threw his cards at me and as soon as they made contact with me I woke up and switched off my alarm clock. :content:

(NOTE: To understand WTF I am on about, you kinda gotta have a understanding of what the X-men are)

Hi there! I am new here and so excited to find people talking about LDs!

I have had the problem of being unable to wake up from my LDs. Sometimes I am lucid and think I woke up only to become lucid again and realize I am still dreaming. I have gone through as many as 3 layers of this.

I have also had several where when I did realize again that I was dreaming I attempted to wake up and could not. One time I was in an LD and was saying to my husband “I’m dreaming and I can’t wake up! Help me!” I was sitting next to my husband on the couch (real life) and saying “Help me” over and over and moving my hand up and down, so he finally shook me awake. Last week I had one and I could not wake up even though I desperately wanted to. Finally I banged my hand on a table really hard and yelled at the top of my lungs “I want to wake up!!” and then I did. :cool_laugh:

How long were you dreaming until you came to the conclusion that you wanted to wake up, Sarita1969?

wish that u were on a tall tall cliff, or bulliding, and jump off it and when u hit the ground u might wake up

Hi beefmoney…

i know three methods of waking up…
I came across them while exploring lucid dreams…

  1. close your dream eyes…just close them…within a short time you will wake up in the real world…has a second advantage…there is no threat when you dont see anything in a dream or nightmare…

  2. Focus your concentration on the point between your eyes…focus with all your will power…attention…wakes me up.

  3. focus on your heart (chacra)…will give a rise in adrenaline and you will also wake up…hmmm maybe the reverse of this will prolong rem sleep…a low adrenaline profile??? low heartbeat???
    Interesting for the exp lab…any folunteers besides me?

Ok Moneybeef…go where the beef is…in a lucid dream!


I keep waking up in my LDs only to find I am still in another LD! Sometimes I have 3-4 layers. But I can’t always control what happens around me or what the other characters in the dream do. I can fly away from danger or make myself appear somewhere else, but I can’t effect the others in my dream. Weird huh? :wow:

Sarita1969, i wish i had your problem :wink:

and not mine of trying to get lucid :sad:

If i am really lucid in a dream i can just say to myself “i want to wake up now” and wake up. If you are really lucid you can do it easily. Mos people would not realise it is that easy because you never want to wake from them!

hello forum!
i was just hoping for a moderately informative site on lucid dreaming, so this site is a welcome surprise. its my first visit, and contribution to this forum…
where do i start? i’ll keep it short
untill i was about 12 or 13 i couldn’t remember a time when i didn’t have lucid dreams(although at the time i didn’t have a name for what i was experiencing)…i thought everyone had them, id tell my friends and family but im not sure if they believed me. sometimes my stories would sound too far fetched i guess. in those first young years, i had unwittingly developed an ability to know without a doubt every night before i went to bed that i would have a lucid dream. it wasn’t a question of if i would have one but i would literally think of stuff to do. once asleep i instantly ‘woke up’ within the dream and started to experiment. i found it hard to get passed the flying thing though, i was obsessed. somebody mentioned something about waking up from an LD. i could literally blink in and out of my LD’s at will returning to the same dream after i had woken up.
thinking back on what i had, i can’t believe what i took for granted i simply had no idea what potential i had at my fingertips (so to speak)…its almost sad that i don’t have that anymore. however every now and then i do have one still. and they are even more intence and detailed and my imagination is becomming more limitless with every try…looking forward to practicing!
till next time!

Actually i dont hav much experience in LD, just a few times… Long b4 my first LD, i had a lot of nightmares… :cool_laugh: … actually its was them(nightmares) that started my LD experiences. Sorry, im going off course. The thing is i could force myself up from nightmares and even sleep paralysis(SP). My first SP was frightening, i thought i was really paralysed, i gav up my attempt of waking up after around 5 minutes. I could only wake up after 10 - 20 minutes!! :eek: But after the first experience, i tried hard, i mean VERY HARD to wake up from it!! And the same goes when im having a nightmare… The effort is really HUGE!! And it felt like a jolt moments b4 waking… not quite nice, but fun nonetheless… :smile: Happy waking!!