Cant remember dreams.

I useualy remember my dreams (or most of them) but its been for about 4 days and i havent remembered even a bit of my dreams. Is there a way to stop this?

First of all try WBTB’ing, or just try to stay still with your eyes closed when you wake up.

I haven’t had a proper LD yet but when I came here my dream recall went to remembering nothing. Don’t worry its normal. My dream recall is much better now.

Ok ill try to wake up with my eyes closed.

There’s a few reasons why your recall has gone, it could be down to stress, school work etc.

How you are waking up can affect your recall, I find if I sleep right to the alarm that I am more likely to forget my dreams.

Sometimes you just lose recall for a short time for no apparent reason, it’ll come back, there’s likely an external cause though, exams are a likely reason if you’re school/Uni.

There’s always auto-suggestion before bed that you WILL remember your dreams. Give it a few more days, it’ll probably come back on it’s own before the week is through.

Eat some chocolate. :grin:

YEAH, chocolate do wonders, no joke.
It stimulates the brain while the body go through the normal process of sleep.

I haven’t remembered dreams for several months now. Stress is the cause for me. I need to chill the hell out to remember dreams. Something I can’t do for half the year.

The key to remembering dream is also to sleep a lot : ten hours a night should be perfect.
So, even when you’re in a period of school, you should go to bed early in the evening.
All you need is willpower, but if it’s the price to pay to having LDs, then you need to be used to that.

you should check this topic: Dream Recall Suggestions…

Thanks its allready coming back slowly. I thinks it just went and came back.

Yeah i’ve been remembering 2 per night and last night i woke up empty!

I have a problem like this, but it’s the opposite. I remember up to 10 dreams a night! (I know, omg), and It’s making nights seem hours longer. Sometimes I just want to wake up!

10 dreams a night? Oh my. Well, are you in complete control of these dreams? The classic making an anti-lucid pill seems to work wonders. Also, try changing your sleeping area. Move onto a couch, sleep on the floor, or something obscure for a few nights.

Maby i should eat some chocolate…yum. Its odd after a had that period of not remembering dreams i had 3 vivid dreams in one night. Anyway thanks for all your help, i will eat chocolate. :grin: