Chaining - New Technique

yeah lolpie, it IS kinda hard to stay still… I mean seriously, you get up and all of a sudden you’re supposed to remember to not open your eyes and stay still. It’s tough.

I realized that if I go to sleep early enough, I wake up an hour early…haha no surprise there.
I should try it sometime.

But still, is anyone else in third person in their dream?

i always forget to stay still!!! i always open my eyes by accident!! its gonna take some practice!

I’m gonna try this, I just hope my mom doesn’t come and try to wake me up. She’s done that before right when I wake up and am trying to recall dreams so I have to move or else she won’t leave me alone and then I don’t remember my dreams.

I am defenitely trying this! report back tomorrow! (hopefully)

Ya, this i think is a really good idea.

that is pretty awesome i actually did this exact thing last night before i even read this…it was that dream that made me sign up here for the forums.

i dont know how i became lucid in my dream but i remember that i was in my old house lookin for my ex-girl friend and i kept wakin up. frustrated i just layed still with my eyes closed and poof seconds later i find myself in the exact same place i was and just as lucid.

i think im gonna try this method tonite when i go to sleep cuz it seems like it would work better for me then most other methods ive tried.

oh and one other thing that dream i had was the first time i used a RC altho i already knew i was dreaming but i wanted to see if u really could keep breathing while holding your nose shut…next time im gonna try the finger through the hand that sounds pretty kool as well

SUCCESS! Tried it during a nap after class and had 4 LDs…


I was REM chaining this morning… I kept hitting the snooze button on my alarm and between each 9-minute interval, I had HI (without attempting WILD)… so I could probably try it.

I keep moving!!! is there any way to wake up and just not move??? :content:

This is something I experience many mornings, and I often try to enter a LD when I do but I don’t actually think much about it. If I combine it with MILD I could probably get it better.

It is very very hard to describe this state of mind, like the dream will begin to appear but you think your still awake etc…very strange but I am really glad I saw this topic. Going to start making it work.

I guess I got lucky before…it’s not working anymore.

When I wake up, I roll around and open my eyes later, I keep forgetting to not move :sad:

this technique is AMAZING. i have NEVER EVER gotten WILD to be even remotely sucessful. But after a few nights (maybe even the same day) of trying to remember to wake up with my eyes closed and not move, i did it. i was lying down and woke up. i almost immediately went into hypnogogic imagery for my first time ever. I stepped into the dream as i’ve never done before and entered my lucid dream. I woke up again after a while and it worked again. this morning it ended up ALMOST working again, i got into the dream but didnt have any sight, i dont really know how to explain it but i knew what was going on but i couldnt see it. unfortunately i noticed that these dreams are shorter and less vivid and i was wondering how to fix that. but i think that this technique might work so well because when we are waking up, we are actually in a false awakening and we expect the WILD to work so quickly and thats why it does. i mean we wont really be able to know but even if its not really false awakenings and we really do wake up, this would be EXTREMELY helpful with false awakenings because even if we didnt know we were dreaming, we would enter a lucid dream anyway. All in all, chaining is awesome.

I attempted this last night. I had a lucid dream just out of the blue, while I was enjoying that, i Was midflight flying, and i suddenly woke up, but i made a slight movement with my foot so that probably compromised the tech. But I’m going to try again tonight.

This is quite cool. I did it this morning “accidentally”. The reason why Im not writing things like “I HAD A LD!!!” is it didnt work 100%.
I had a dream and then I woke up. It was one of those slooow wakenings, so I realized Im waking up. I wanted to stay in the dream. I tried really hard and then I remembered this technigue. So I concentrated on not moving. Slowly I began to feel heavy. I was lying on my side with one foot lying on another. Then the foot on top started to hurt and it was getting worse and worse. After a while I gave up and changed position. I was still tired, so I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep slooowly. After a while I heard voices and moments later I realised they were voices from my dream!!! Then it felt quite strange: It was like if I didnt dream the dream (heh :content: ), it was more liked I watched it as a movie. I seen a character and I knew it was me, but I wasnt controling myself…strange feeling, kind of 3rd person view, but it was different from a real 3rd person view… But the strangest thing was that I was also percieving reality…I heard RL sounds, but it was different from normal dream. It felt like on the right side there was real world and on the left there was dream. Because of this I couldnt concentrate on the dream, so I had only partial control of it.
Also after this I continued to fall asleep, just as its described in first post of this topic, but I didnt get lucid.
Im going to try again next morning. Ill just have to remember to lay still when I wake up.
Soz for long and probably uninteresting post.

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please help me does anyone have any tips for when you wake up and not move because i keep moving and then get mad! :grrr:

This finally did work for me. Wasn’t intentional. I remember I was in a dream, I was running and i woke up. I just kept still, but I wasn’t really ‘there’. I became concious when the HI was there, I saw…me. It then dissapeard and another ‘me’ appeard a few meters next to the origonal me. I then had SP, was VERY weird, sounds, feelings, my body felt weird. It lasted about 5 seconds, I then suddenly warped into a dream bed. The warping is beyond describing, It just …happend. I was then in my room, lucid. I had a little lucid dream, but I had a false awakening so I couldn’t chain again :sad:.

First WILD though. And I think i’ll be able to do it without chaining, but Chaining could be useful in getting a ticket back into the dream world after a LD has ended.

I think I’ve done this a few times in the past, but yesterday morning I went in and out of LD’s about 3 times. :grin:

ld411, I think I also have this problem… I can usually only stay still if I wake up from a LD, since there’s no break in consciousness… :shy:

EDIT: Any tips for not moving after I wake up? Or should I just stick to lots of auto-suggestion??

How long are you supposed to stay still? I remembered this morning about this and tried to do it, but I gave up after about 30 mins or so. It didnt work, and I knew it wouldnt work. Is it possible that I was too rested to “fall asleep” again?

You were probably thinking too much or too excited or too tense.

This is actually a great technique, don’t remember if any of my LD’s have been from this technique though.

Two quick questions:

I’ve been doing this thing when I’m able to wake up and not move where I imagine I’m touching a wall with my hands. After a few seconds I can actually feel the wall. Then I try to open my eyes in the dream. It has worked great for me.

So, first question: can this be considered chaining as well?

and can chaining (or this wall touching thing, if it’s not chaining) be considered a WILD?

I’ve been a bit unsure latelly, that’s all, when I say I’ve had a few WILD’s… :tongue:
