Chakra in-line

I’d say you’re definitely concentrating too much energy into your third eye. Accumulation of chi can give you minor complaints, such as headaches, bleeding nose, vision problems or nausea. In general, accumulation of chi in the third eye chakra can lead to hallucinations, delusions, obsessions, concentration problems and nightmares. If this accumulation persists, it will even affect the surrounding tissues and organs. So it’s best to drain the chi from that place as soon as you notice an accumulation. Major draining points in the body are the feet and the coccyx at the base of the spine. The major energy point to concentrate on, whenever you have an accumulation of chi above the navel area, is always the ming-men. When you have chi accumulation beneath the navel area, you can concentrate on the navel, or even the third eye.
Another cause of headaches after practice is the fact that chi remains flowing in the etheric body. This chi then has the tendency to move to the head and remain there. Therefore, when you stop practicing, it’s best to drain the chi or to collect and store it into an energy storage center. The two major storage centers are the back of the knees and especially the navel. Collecting the energy can be done by spiralling the chi towards the navel (or back of the knees). This way, there’s no danger anymore to side effects of chi accumulation.

The Suneye method also uses third eye concentration to gain lucidity, but it’s combined with WBTB. Perhaps this is understandable, because after all, the third eye deals with imagination, dreams, intuition, visualization, insights and vision.

Strange… Perhaps the excess of chi switches regularly between the pineal and pituitary gland. Between both glands, there’s an important etheric bridge, the… looks it up antahkarana or psychic bridge. The normal chi activity on this bridge can be used to check your entire chi flow in the body.
I don’t know if this is the explanation… perhaps it’s just another side-effect of the chi accumulation.

That’s some dangerous stuff you know… Kundalini is actually cosmic energy, and it’s from a much bigger quantity than the normal prana or chi, life energy. These tremendous Kundalini energies should only be awoken if you have developped your energy body well enough so it could handle the huge amounts of energy. Because, when the energy vessels are too small, Kundalini will burst out of your spine and ruin your internal organs. Many yogis have destroyed their bodies in this way because they failed to prepare their energy bodies in the right way to deal with Kundalini power.

could you provide examples of yogis dying from kundalini?

I always move into things of spirituality in recklessness because I feel so well aquainted with the chaotic view of conciousnesss. I used to contort my body because it felt good for my chakras, energy flows giving me euhporia etc… I feel that I’ve hurt my body by doing such because I was underdeveloped, both physicaly and psychologicaly. In retrospect this was a bad idea. I have found a rapid decline in my health, though my spirituality flourishes. I’ve recently begun Yoga lessons to try and regain balance with my visceral personage. I hope that it helps.

I never read anything about specific cases, so I did a search… Oh and I didn’t say they always die… only that their organs are ruined (to some extent ofcourse; it’s not the same for everyone).
This is not about yogis but about Westerners who experienced a Kundalini arousal:

You can read about a detailed description of Else Johansen’s Kundalini arousal, together with LOTS of other information about Kundalini dangers here: … tverk.html

Also check out this site: … ndale3.htm

i just somehow find that hard to believe.

i once had some sort of kundalini like experience in a dream but i can’t remember it, just that it involved my spine, lots of white light… that’s about it.

it was something that took me a while to remember…

i’m not sure that you would call it “Kundalini” or not but I am under the impression that it involves the spine… and to leave the spine alone during energy work, which I do, because when I do mess with the spine the sensations are too intense for me…

sometimes i do it real gently to help ease back pain though… but that’s about all I do with the spine.

I don’t want to go off topic, but you all have heard of spontanial combustion, right?

I’ve seen documenturies on it, it’s an incredible mystery. Could this be just an incredible kundalini release?

Hmmmm, hmmmmm, and, hmmmmm… :hmmm:


Holy reality: apart from Kundalini, normal chi can also flow very strongly through the spine. Some systems even say there are three main chi vessels around the spine, each carrying slightly different chi energies. In the microcosmic orbit, the spine is the Governor Channel, one of the main chi vessels in the body. Perhaps you felt those?
The way people experience Kundalini seems to be unique for every person. Why is it so hard then to believe Kundalini can really do much harm to you, if it’s awoken prematurely or if you didn’t take the right safety measures?

#Six: well… it’s a possible explanation :smile: I’ve read somewhere spontaneous combustion had something to do with the activity of mitochondrion…

spontaneous combustion by all leaps and bounds is not real.

first of all, nothing can happen spontaneously, heat has to have a source.

second, no one, ever, has witnessed a spontaneous combustion.

Now, there have been INTERNAL combustions, however rare those are… you know… that kind of thing… somehow, something you put into you reacts badly with your body chemistry…

but… basically, in ideal circmstances a body can cook itself in its own fat, smoldering for hours upon hours, and leave behind merely a pile of ashes, no source of initial flame, no fire damage to the building, just, ashes.

umm… i do not at all want to look it up but you can look at the FBIs website they have an indepth investigation and explanation of many alleged “spontaneous combustion” events. … -issue.htm