Yea well you definitelt have a cult following going on here, nonetheless
In my conquest to find new characters to add to my mental entourage, I WILD’d my way lucid and went character-hunting with Milk Chan
We came across Bartleby He’s a very “phosisticated” teddy bear chocolatier who dresses in this really funny-looking purple and green business suit. He can fly and has the “Midas touch” and can turn things into milk chocolate by touching it
When trying to develop him outside the dreamworld, he seems to be very independent and says he really needs no help. But his, “I’m a chocolatier!” talk in his Swiss accent really is amusing
It sounds so… Kyee~ ^^
Only -you- could make such wonderful people, Huey XD~
That’s amazing-- ^^ Just the fierce random, but oh-so-very-cool nature of these characters makes me tingle I joy over it very much…
Tell Bartleby I adore him already~ XD
Nice job Huey~ I LOVE it XD~
And by the way… It’s not a cult! <:O I don’t want to be known for making up a cult…
Nice names for your characters Huey and I too would like to know more about them!
I dont know if I would call you eccentric Talon, but you are nice and kind. What does eccentric actually mean anyway, I have a vague idea…(ok now Im making myself sound dumb… )
Alice and Sage are ok though Im a little down because alice will be leaving soon
I know shes not exactly real or anything but Im really going to miss her. Sage is going to be sad when she does go I can tell.what am I ment to do when Sage pisses me off I wont have Alice to talk to. Sorry about my rambling but Im just a bit depressed about it…
Bartleby: Yes, perhaps Miss Talon…but consider this–In an ever-expanding universe of infinite possibility, the speculation of such intensity could cause for much less correlation of what actually is. Therefore, be and let be–and then, maybe you will see. Just be Miss Talon. Just be…Aww, but I do wish I could buy you an ice cream
Anyway…I would post Talon–I don’t know about others Maybe you’re just a naturally popular person
Its a long story. Actually so long I could write a book about it…literally.
Well you know how Alice is dead. Yea well she was bad…for a long time. Then she was offered a position. To look after me and guide me. I dont know who offered the position but it was by whatever or whoever was looking after me before. This was her chance to redeem herself blah blah blah. She accepted so that once she had redeemed herself she would get to see her twin sister who is also dead blah blah blah. Um yea so she has almost redeemed herself completly and so will leave to find her sister soon. Its really complicated
Alice: yep thats the general story…
Thanks for the support Talon. If you dint mind me asking have you ever experienced character departure?
XD Lol Awww Bartleby, what kind, and wise words XD Thank you very much If I could, i would love to share ice cream with you ^^~ XD
Thanks Huey XD~ I don’t think i’m naturally popular-- maybe just what i post about is interesting XD
But vote for me in what? XD~
I love this… it may be egotistic to say this, but i’m being flooded with posts XD It’s so much fun replying to them all~~ XD Such nice people and words and … agh–Lovelove
Oh how tragic… D: I feel sorry for you-- such a deep loss after a connection with a character :C Good luck Alice!
But… Unfortuanately-- no. Character departure for me, is pretty much either fading into obscurity to be retrieved, or becoming a side character-- temporary dissapearances, ect.
All beaings imagined into Aria, stay in Aria. It is their only plane of existance-- such a leaving of that would be their basic form of death. For we all know that a character who dies, is never really dead @___a Just the ones that dissapear.
I am sorry-- but I hope you find somebody just as supportive! And that Alice finds he twin…
Bartleby: --Going to boil you into my finest chocolate my good young chap if you don’t introduce me to your fine young lady friend…Good day there young lass, top o’the mornin’ to yeh!
Okay, that’s not even Swiss
Bartleby: Hehehe, oh my old bean–what are such stereoptypes but a human construct in the guise of an empiracle truth…I say Miss Talon, my good fellow Huey is quite the fli–
I think that’s enough
So Talon, you’re sure you aren’t really popular
You are here And that’s just as good as anything. Shine like stardust, bebe
Thank you Talon. I am deeply greatful that you are so understanding and kind.
Alice:Yes thank you for you good luck! I will find her no matter what and even though I feel guilty for deserting Astraea I know she will be cared for by Sage.
I should go. Ive been in this library for hours! Got to head home. Bye Talon
giggles XD Ahhh… you and Bartleby are just so completely and utterly adorable-- What’s not to love!
I am just very happy to reply to the nice posts of the people on this thread ^^~ I am joyful at each and every one! this thread and this forum light up my day every single notification e-mail I get ^^~ XD
Have a good trip back! Good luck, and no problem at all-- I wish you both the best of fortuane and…
I wish you both to be happy-- My prayers are with you!
I’m sure Sage is a fine care-taker… Leave with no guilt!
^^~ giggles Hehe XD I don’t understand either XD~ What’s a hoboppoly time?
But yes! I get notification e-mails… I am very dedicated to answering each and every post I get on any thread I make! It’s my obligation as it’s author to make sure I share my thoughts, and give respect and appreciation to everyone who takes the time to read and reply to the threads that I started! It’s only mannerful! ^^~ The only one I might have trouble with, is the Character chats-- because sometimes it’s not directed to me ^^~ But i do read every single post on any of my started threads :D~
hehe~ XD Awww… He’s not a Monster… is he? XD
Bartleby, calm down XD I think you’re scaring poor Huey XD
That was very clever though XD You’re both so adorable XD~