I’m glad you still remember me, it’s just been a long time hehe. I have made a new start on more or less everything lately, so it would be apt if I also made a new start on this project too.
Awesome! that made my day!
EDIT: holy crap! I just noticed this part of the thread is less than 2 months old and already reached 10 pages!! Well done CALD’ers! XD
Hmm I don’t know if I understand well when you say “my chara have never been DC”. You mean DC is someone you just encounter in a dream right ? I make a difference between random characters, characters who exist IRL, characters who are from RL but how are not real.
So far when I called out loud for the character, he appeared. Last time I managed to stay calm to observe him and he noticed and smiled, so I was happy
Thanks for all the advices ! I will train with those ideas to talk with this character when I go to sleep
Luke Strife: Cool. Productive period in life? That’s awesome, I’m in one of those right now too C: . Well, we’re here to work on any thing you come up against, and to hear your progress any time C:
mattias: C: Wow, really? Geez, that’s wicked XD !
Colors: Well, I created my characters while I was awake, I never got them out of a dream. I never encountered my characters in dreams unless I summoned them. C: They were all developed while I was awake. Good for you! I’m glad you were able see him C:
ha ok I got it !
I also want to summon DCs who only appeared once in a LD, because they were very peculiar and I woke up when I felt the dream was fading and told them “wait, which one of you is my SC?” and in the dream they lived in a fine house and I felt like they were my team, so I want to see if I can summon them again and try to ask what they are precisely and see what funny responses I will get ^^ I’ll report here of course !
Great! C: I look forward to you report! Best of luck, and remember to recall their essence, it’ll be easiest that way.
Just to note - I’m a him, not a her I had the same problem earlier too lol.
A character catching the object? Sounds a nice idea, might consider it when I’m distracted by the object again. I haven’t communicated with my characters for a week, but now I know what to do. Hopefully I should reach Utopia this time, and I have some decent ideas for my city.
Talon, I have another question. When you visualise, do you get to a hypnagogic state where you can hear/see your characters and can see the scene around you, or do you simply imagine the scene and can’t see the scene with your ‘mindscape?’
I took a break from lucid dreaming for a week, but I’m back and ready to try and achieve my goals.
Ah! ^^; I’m so sorry. I’ll remember that!
Sometimes it’s necessary to take a break, so it’s good you’re back. C: I’ve been much more passive with LDs myself lately, but Naknus and I wanted an LD (there are some LD goals that include him and his wants) and we set intention last night. It was a fun long LD C: I’m sure you’ll have fun adventure yourself once you get to it, if you haven’t already.
Actually, when I interact with my characters I don’t visualize them. I used to when I was younger, but for the last year or two I’ve just had plain thought-conversations. However, because of the level of familiarity between Naknus and I, we don’t even do that anymore, it’s more just… knowing each others intentions.
So to answer your question, when I did visualize my characters, I didn’t go into a hypnagogic state. I just visualized them in a scene with me, as if someone asked me to imagine a scenario.
Also, Mindscape isn’t usually used in this context for me, it’s… different ^^; .
As a note, a majority of character interaction for me happens well before bed time. I mostly do character development and interaction in waking time, but as one of the ways to induce lucidity, I interact with a character before bed C: .
Best of luck with your lucidity! It’s March Break over here, so hopefully you’re having fun wherever you are as well C:
This is a split topic, the next part is Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming…CALD part VII