[/i]Sorry for not posting A LOT earlier, but my invisibility cloak was stuck on lurk mode. What? Laziness? No, no, that’s silly. When have I ever been lazy? Well, I’m here now (meaning: if I don’t get laz-- cough don’t get kidnapped by an evil robot, I should be here awhile. Audience groans) But first a spoiler from our sponsor (you won’t miss anything by skipping over it):
[spoiler]Yeah, sorry about breaking the rules in the other post. That wasn’t the finest example of my supercomputer-like intelligence. Actually, that last post wasn’t that great in general. I probably had a point, but I think I kind of forgot about it by the time I finished posting, because I was probably pretty sleepy if I posted something like that. Messing up is just a natural talent of mine. Actually, wait. The aliens brainwashed me. Yes, that is the real explanation. Well, don’t want this to drag on forever. Bottom line is, perhaps I ought to edit that so that it’s actually, eh, you know, not dumb?[/spoiler] And now on with the show!
Recently, I read through the entire CALD thread. I learned there was once a time when posts on this thread were frequent. There were lots of posts to read, and peace reigned. (Also, Talon, I learned that I wasn’t giving you nearly enough credit. Sorry. . . .) (Actually, I need to give quite a lot of the people who were here before me more credit!)(Credit sound effect) Anywho, I thought it would be sort of neat if there was a more constant stream of posts here. I then decided, why not start with me posting here more? (Hopefully without as many dumb questions or copyrighted links). After giving a dramatic speech that changed the lives of millions, I decided to type up a status report.
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A Status Report
clears throat So yeah, this here’s a status report. You want to here about my characters, right? Audience groan and shake their heads What? Have you seen this one before? Er, let’s just dive in here, shall we?
Scout: She hasn’t been around as much as before. Actually, she’s spent a lot of time exploring my mindscape (which is apparently a rather wacky place, seeing as how there’s not much realism, with floating ? blocks are all over the place and the like). Actually, once she came back with gold (or rather, dead-grass colored, but gold sounds nicer ) angel wings on her back. Not like I randomly said “hey, wouldn’t it be cool if Scout had angel wings” but rather, when she came back from her trip, my mental image of her just changed. Actually, there’s kind of a weird story to go with it, but I’m kind of trying to keep this brief, so I won’t post it now. Beside, although weird, the story’s actually not that interesting.
The Unnamed LD-301: A MC that was both born and retired in the time frame between this this post and the last. See, an LD-301 is a type of robot from the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. If you are wondering, the LD in the name doesn’t have anything to do with lucid dreaming and probably stands for Lanayru Desert (an area in the game). Now for the character itself, since this is why you’re reading this paragraph and not skipping to the next one: See, I got this idea that it might sort of cool to have an LD-301 for a MC, but then I decided maybe not. I wasn’t completely confident that Scout and Snowbird were 100% complete (yeesh, I take a long time with these things), and since I wasn’t giving them nearly as much attention as I ought to have been, I figured a new MC could set us even further back. Still, I decided to tell Snowbird about this concept, and she decided she liked it. Then, something like following conversation occurred: "Yeah, okay, but I don’t think I should try to imagine it just yet because–" Tosses monkey wrench over shoulder"Done!" “Greetings, master [BlueGecko].” So then I had an LD-301 following me that had no name, and not much personality (sure, it’s a robot. But even in Skyward Sword, they are shown to be capable of emotion and personality). Now, it’s not that I didn’t want to fix it up, but I still felt like I needed to give more attention to Snowbird and Scout, as well. Eventually, I realized that I just wasn’t giving it a lot of focus, so I decided that for the time being, it would probably be happier as just sort of a dream character than a mind-character. The last I saw of it, it was hovering down to the lower mindscape, wearing sunglasses and holding a briefcase. It said for itself that it sees this as a vacation.
And last but not least, we have Snowbird: She spends a lot of time up in the top layer of mindscape, there’s kind of a weird story with her: Ahem Once upon a time, I decided to read through the CALD thread. But it had kind of a weird effect on me: it made me feel motivated to talk to my characters, sure, but it also made me feel kind of disappointed in myself, since I still felt like my characters weren’t 100% complete even after all this time. But no-one was more effected by that mindset than Snowbird: She was pretty upset by it for a while. She complained quite a bit, and even seemed a bit depressed at times (though not always, sometimes she was her normal self, but she often seemed pretty upset. Though I tried to get out of the “I’m-a-Failure” mindset, I couldn’t quite do it (though in retrospect, it seems like it would have been pretty simple without what happened next), but then, Snowbird had a weird idea: See, one time I was trying to help her feel better (now at this point, you’re probably facepalming at my incredible talent for not doing things right), but that wasn’t gonna happen. Then, Snowbird had a weird idea (oh wait, I just said that): “Hey, I know! Give me another name for a moment. I’m going to re introduce myself.” Well, I thought, sure, why not, and decided to name her the first thing that came to mind (I figured this wouldn’t be too serious). Said thing was “Phenac”, after Phenac City from Pokemon Colosseum (Yeah, that instead of some normal name). So then, as she said, she re-introduced herself. "Hello, I’m Phenac. I’m probably one of the weirdest people you’ll ever meet! " [color=blue]"Hello, Phenac , nice to meet you.[/color] I thought this would be some weird thing that would be so weird it would fix our problem. It was, but it wasn’t just that: Snowbird actually gave herself amnesia, and now thought she should be called Phenac. She got her memory back, after maybe a week or 2 though. But before then, she was actually resiting[i] getting her memory back, because she liked feeling a like new person. Well, that whole thing was sort of amusing, I sort of wish I had a few conversations written down, but I usually don’t write them down anyway.
Gee, I feel tired now! There are a few more stories that I guess I’ll post tomorrow* Audience groans but the sooner I get to bed, the sooner I’ll wake up and notice all the typos and things I didn’t explain very well. EDIT: There’s one already.
*Translation: Tomorrow means several Earth-years later.
Later… So much for tomorrow. It hasn’t even been 1 year! Ack, if everyone hates me, I really can’t blame them. Huh. Yeah, so see how I said that even recently my characters haven’t been finished? Well, yeah. That’s sort of a thing with me. Progress has been slow in general, but one thing I always do, is never think of any of my work as 100% complete, and thus I always think it’s gonna take forever to finish it, and therefor, I don’t put a lot of effort into it. (That just applies to things of my own creation, of course.) I suppose also I might have been set back recently by the realization that I still hadn’t covered 5.3% of ground. I, of course, saw that number as 53%, so of course, that was kind of the number I was bumped back to.
But, to be honest, my characters’s responses (especially those of Snowbird, who had the most screen time recently) have been a lot more automatic than I ever thought they’d be. Before, I felt like I was still kind of using a bit of personal brain power (wait, I actually have that? ) to generate the replies. But I figured that that was mostly how it was supposed to be (my feeling of “not being done with them” was more based towards the fact that I couldn’t usually focus on them very well and that stuff). But now, their responses are much more automatic than that! (To put this in perspective, you’ve been character chatting with a newb for quite awhile ) Also, I used to be able to know what they were going to say an instant before they said it, and while that still happens sometimes, they actually manage to throw a response that I wasn’t specifically expecting quite a lot. Man, I feel pretty lame, seeing as how throughout most of the CALD thread, there’re lots of post that, to someone like me, seem to say “I’m so good at character creation, I had a fully automatic character, before I even had a character!” [/Tobuscus voice] Well, worded like that, it sounds like anyone who would’ve said that would have schizophrenia, but I’m sure you know what I mean.
And, my sort-of excuse for not being on this thread like a month ago, is, well, you know how in one post I basically said I thought was mostly done, then did a 180 and said I didn’t feel like my characters were developed at all? Well, I actually sort of did feel like both those thing at once, and was kind of reluctant to post on the CALD thread (or a lot on the character chats) because, well, I wasn’t sure where I was on the board myself. Still, I reckon I deserve to be pelted with stones anyway.
Er, well, I guess that’s my overly long post. I suppose it’s finish, unless I ever get over this headache so I can really proofread it. Now in what spectacular way can I end it? Oh, I know! Vsignature which you are not required to read if you have read it beforeV
EDIT AGAIN: But first, I should say, my characters haven’t been around all day, and I don’t think that I could really post in the character chats without them, so uh, yeah.