Character Assisted Lucid Dreaming...CALD part VIII

Just thought I would check in with you guys. Largely I haven’t been able to communicate with Crystal for months, but I am able to talk to Siberia, who was appearing in my dreams more often for a while. I need to get back to working with her to get lucid again. How are things going for you guys? I haven’t heard from you in a while.

Yeah I also wondered what happened to this thread.

Some nights I talk with my characters a lot, and other times I don’t talk to them at all. Bad news is, things have been a little boring in Eternos. I won’t give up and I’ll keep exploring to see what happens. I won’t post my adventures since last time yet, because it’s really long and it’ll take me ages to type out. I’ll type it up some other time when I’m in the mood to do so.
The good news is - I’ve sorted out my insomnia problem, and thanks to LD and Daydreaming I feel more confident in real life (I don’t know why).

The other day I was listening to isochronic tones with noise-cancelling earphones. They’re really relaxing, but I haven’t got into a “vivid daydream” state yet. However, I do notice that I have more vivid thoughts. It’s hard to explain what I mean by ‘vivid thoughts,’ but that’s what I get.

Speaking of isochronic tones…I just reminded myself of the hypnosis file. I think I’m done with it, but I haven’t got round to shrinking the file size so it’s less than 50MB (it’s 211MB atm, which will take up a large space on my Walkman).
I’m not sure the file will work though; because the voice I am using sounds too robotic, and not “hypnosis-inducing.”

EDIT: I had my 2nd ever DEILD 2-3 weeks ago. I visualised me standing outside my house whilst in SP, and when I opened my eyes I was standing up, outside my house on a summer’s day. I was blown away at how vivid the dream was. I got too excited and lost stability, but regained stability. I admired the vividity - it was like being in real life, and having 20/20 vision. I could feel the breeze blowing across my body - it was amazing. I lost lucidity 1 minute later, but it was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had in a LD (with the other DEILD I had).

Next time I DEILD, I’m going to visualise that my character is with me when I visualise me standing outside my front door.

Hey guys, I thought I might just check in:

I’m so sorry for disappearing, life has been hectic as I’ve been preparing my portfolio for the animation program I’ve been aiming for. I’m now in recovery mode since the last 6 months have been crazy.

Naknus and I have grown closer, though the rest of my characters have become weaker with lack of involvement. I have moved away from Aria and have started focusing on making more acute observations of the world around me, and generally getting more involved: my motive for this used to be to create more convincing characters and scenarios, but I think now it is just to understand more.

I am glad the few who are still here are here. I haven’t been able to check anything posted, and I am off to scramble again so I may not be able to at all any time soon, but I wish everyone the best of luck.

If anything, I wish to leave this (underline?) one caveat in relation to my experience with our general character experience in the cumulative of the last 4 years:
Sentience in a character(in anything/one) is a HUGE responsibility. Particularly when that character becomes in-love-attached to another sentient being.

I don’t say this as a joke, it is a tremendous blessing and burden, and if you choose to continue to support them it is in essence keeping a child who must be tended to through keeping them connected. Connection is the single most important thing for any sentient being.

As always, please don’t hesitate in contacting me if you need me! I check my e-mails frequently and will never choose to ignore messages.

I hope everyone is doing well!

Happy Lucids, and happy days.

Tal! It is nice to see you again. Things have been hectic with me as well, which is why I haven’t been around here as much as I would like to be. As with you, most of my characters and I have grown apart, but there is one who has stuck by me through thick and thin (some of you will remember me talking about Siberia). Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to dedicate any time at all to being inside of the world my characters inhabit, and the only time I get any interaction at all is when Siberia comes to see me or on the weekends when I spend time with her family.

In any case, that is how things have been with me. I won’t say much else here since you aren’t likely to read it, but it is nice to see you again.

Hi Talon, it’s great to see you again :content:

I seem to keep growing closer to all of the incarnations of The Doctor. It’s kind of neat because they all remember me from our times together with The Second Doctor. I guess I wasn’t expecting 9 other characters to know me so well, but it makes sense since they all are technically the same person.

I hope you and your other characters get back together, and thank you again for creating this technique :smile:

It’s good to hear from you again, Talon :smile:

I haven’t posted in ages but I’ve still been communicating with my characters. Some days I don’t feel like communicating, but others I feel very engaged with the situation me and my characters are in.

I can’t seem to get isochronic tones to work for me. I can get really relaxed and can think more easily, but I can’t get them to do what they’re supposed to do.
I’ve been using the ‘vivid daydream’ purpose tones to try and communicate with my characters more deeply, but they don’t seem to have any effect.
Do isochronic tones work with headphones, not just out loud? That might be the problem. Ah, I’ll soon find out.
I’ve solved my insomnia problem but not my anxiety problem, and because of it I’ve been getting a lot of headaches and I can’t seem to put my mind to rest. That could be a reason why I don’t feel that “in touch” as I used to…

I’ve explored a new part of Eternos, as I’ve gotten away from Eden and such whilst they’re repairing it. I travelled to that continent through a teleport. Since the PSR Director’s leader couldn’t go through as we sealed it just as we went through, he has grown angry. The barrier separating to two continents stops us from meeting, hence why we escaped with a teleport. Happy days.

Still no LDs with my characters since last year, but I’m still trying.

Has anyone found that their characters evolve dramatically as you interact with them? I was just thinking today about my first character, Jet. When I first made her, she had a complex back story, but now I’m finding that her personality isn’t what I thought it was at first, and she kind of needs a different back story to fit her personality. I’m trying to just go with the flow and let her character develop on its own instead of forcing it into the initial mold I made for her… has anyone else experienced this?

Mecha: Hey wow, good to see you again Talon! (I should really check this thread more often, XD)

Aiden: TAKO!!! backflips :slight_smile: hugs Takone

Mecha: to TinyNinja I’ve certainly noticed it with a number of my characters, Saichania and Crysar in particular, and to a lesser extent, Skaith and Aiden. Morph and Vesper… have actually stayed pretty consistent over time and AVE hasn’t interacted with us enough yet to have had a chance to meaningfully evolve.

Yeah, that’s happened to me before. My newer characters Dragon and Hyperion had backstories about living in a city floating high in the air, but as my adventure went my mind thought of a new idea by itself; and as a result of that they told me something about their backstory that shocked me.

It still puzzles me how my characters respond to me without me thinking up a response for them. It might have something to do with their personality…like my mind associates a personality with what that personality type is like, and that’s what takes the form of one of my characters.

This morning I tried to DEILD but had a false awakening…I was trying to get to Eternos. Nevermind, I’ll try again tonight.

I have found this as well, but I think that this is just a natural feature of a sentient being, thought-forms included. For example, one of my characters used to be the type of person who cared about almost no one and showed concern for few people other than herself, but over the years she turned into a very compassionate person who is always pleasant to be around.

As far as the back story goes, she was who she was, but now she is who she is, if that makes sense. One never seems to invalidate the other because they both draw changes from the other. It doesn’t necessarily change her history, in my case, but it does change what she does about it.

That makes a lot of sense, wolvendeer. I’m glad I’m not the only one who has experienced dramatic changes in their characters! Now that I think about it, I’m kind of reminded of meeting other humans; sometimes after talking with them for a while and getting to know them, you see a different side of them than what you originally did. I’m going to try and talk with Jet some more and figure out whether she wants to give me a completely different back story, or if she has just changed personality-wise since I’ve known her.

Must… Revive… Thread…

Hey, after about half a year, I’m back! It’s been so long I’ve pretty much forgotten everybody! Sadly, Jessica and Tsi’leik never got me lucid, and they faded out of existance a long time ago. I am going to go to pandora in my next LD and search for Tsi’leik first and then talk with him and tell him about my idea for organizing my dream realm into planes. If I tire of talking, I’ll see if he will accompany me while I do all of my pandora/avatar related tasks. Once those are complete, I’ll have to decide on creating my idea for an organized dream realm first or search for jessica first. The problem is that I know where to find Tsi’leik, butI have no clue where Jessica would be. :sad:

Sadly, Tsi’leik and Jessica will no longer be MCs, but will reside within my dreams only. I think I may still post here as I still feel as though I am practicing the CALD method.

Nice to see, err, hear from all of you again. Happy dreaming!

Nice to hear from you again Ninja :smile:

I’ve been more occupied building my landscape for my MCs rather than actually speaking to my characters. Things have been a little boring and I can’t think of anymore scenarios that I could do with my characters.

I had the most weird experience ever last Friday morning though.
I was in SP, so I began visualising myself stand up. From here, everything went weird and could slowly feel myself stand up. I got out of bed, and could not tell if it was a dream or not. It was so vivid. I woke in SP, and briefly saw my surroundings.
Anyways, I looked in my mirror (I still couldn’t tell if it was a dream or reality due to the vividness of it) and looked normal. I did an RC, and they both failed. I tried to summon my characters, but failed, and then went back into bed and “fell asleep”. I was in a dream almost immediately, but at the time I wasn’t aware.

Even now I can’t tell if it was a dream or reality. It was so vivid.
Also, more recently I’ve been having “short dreamlets”. When I awake in the morning and fall asleep again, I have a “dream” for a minute and the wake up. Sometimes I think it might be vivid hypnagogic imagery, others I think I actually have fallen asleep for a short time. Maybe I could try and “force” a dream with the VILD technique…?

I’m still having little success with isochronic tones. I’m going to give it another shot with listening to them in a few hours, and again tomorrow morning.
I’ve heard report from people that they get vivid Closed Eye Visuals using the tones. I’m yet to experience this, though. If I get this to work, seeing my MCs wil be so much easier.

Well good luck! That’s happened to me also, I think it’s just that you can reenter the dream within seconds, almost like DEILD, but without being lucid. It happens to me all the time.

I am just embarking on this technique, so I am sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but may I ask: at what stage to characters begin to feel independent, in the sense that you can talk to them without having to carefully compose their part of the conversation yourself? And I mean this while imagining conversation with them in Waking Life. I find the character I have with me now feels real, and solid, but somehow… predictable, and as if I am having to do a lot of the work. I would like to be surprised, and feel as if I am gaining something from talking to her. Does this only happen while asleep, or falling asleep? Or will this just begin to happen as I keep going?

It can happen while awake, it’s just a matter of developing them further. Doing things like the Character Chats in the PG can help as it gives them a voice. Also, the more you interact with them both while falling asleep and while dreaming, the more independent they become. We’ve all had some varied experiences with our characters, so it’s one of those things where it’s between the two of you.

I keep forgetting about this thread. Maybe it’s because I’ve been too busy lately…

I’ve had a DEILD or two since I’ve been away, but still no visiting of a futuristic city or Eternos - ever. I’ve met up with one of my other characters that I’d found after about a year, but nothing much else.
I’ve typed up half of the adventures (that I’ve got up to so far) that I’ve had with my characters in brief detail - it takes up 20 pages o_O. When I fully type it up in detail it could be long enough to almost be a book. Oh, by the way, I type it up because I find it useful for visualisation because I can “re-live” the scenes in my head and can visualise it in much greater detail.

I haven’t bothered with isochronic tones either, they just don’t seem to be working for me. :sad:

Ah well…
Happy dreaming :happy:

Wow, that is a lot of adventures. You should make a book out of it, then we could all read it and you and your characters could become famous and rich and whatnot. :happy:

In any case, thanks for giving us an update. :smile:

Yeah, I should make a book out of it :happy:
Once I deal with the “evil forces” in Eternos I’ll write it up but in greater detail. I’ve always wanted to share my adventures with others.

I have been attempting to lucid dream for months, but recently have taken a break. I go to school, so I have to go to bed around nine, and my parents would murder me if I set my alarm for whatever early time of morning, say three am. :uh: So I can’t really do it that way, as reccomended that I set my alarm for five or six hours after I go to sleep.
Considering I enjoy writing, I thought CALD might be the technique for me. I read the guide to it, but was wondering what others’ personal experiences with this tecnique are, and maybe a less general explanation.