Lucid Dreaming Variation:
Object WILDing:
I’m not sure if this is new but it’s a technique I haven’t seen on the site before. Okay. Basically, all you do is lay in bed and think of something, say, the first moderate sized object that pops into mind. Let’s say that object is a person, say, a girl. Once you’ve got that it is a person, you start to ask yourself questions about the person. For example: What is her name, how young or old is she, is she short or tall, black or white or asian etc., is she fat or skinny, is she muscular ETC. Once you’ve asked every possible question you can about the girl’s appearance, all the while keeping a mental image of the girl and all the details you’ve created, put the girl in a setting, slowly build up her surroundings. Say she’s sleeping, so she’s in a bed. How big is the bed, what color are the sheets or the quilt crumpled at the bed’s foot, how many pillows are there, ETC. Then ask questions about the room the bed is in. Is it messy or clean, what color is it, how big is it ETC. (for the interest of time among other things, try to keep the surrounding simplistic). The basic Idea is that your brain keeps occupied while creating the girl and her surroundings, and your body falls asleep. Eventually you build the mental image up it seems to such a great detail that it becomes completely realistic, as if what ever you created were right in front of you IRL. This is precisely the stage wherein you are dreaming and you are lucid; either that, or in a fairly deep meditative state. That’s good to. Anyway, if anyone knows the name for this technique, please tell me…