Chroniclers Dream Diary

Please only use the Chronicler’s topic to post comments like these, this topic is for posting Chroniclers related dreams.


Chroniclers Silence

I don’t quite remember how the dream began, but I remember when I became lucid. “I’m Dreaming!” My first thought was to find NiGHTS, but I quickly forgot that and decided on going to Sky Island. “Okay,” I announced loudly, “I’m going to sky Island.” I was in the class, and everyone was dead silent, but for some reason it didn’t feel silent… in a good way. I sat down and drew a circle around myself with my finger, leaving behind (damn it, NiGHTS) stars. It doesn’t work for some reason. “Oh crap, losing lucidity.” I spin around, and find myself in a toy store. “Uh…” I’m losing lucidity fast. I wake up, I THINK.

Not much, but it is something to go on.

Thats great, but sad though. It’s funny how your thoughts change so quickly in an ld . I think it’s like in real life how you think about random things very quickly except you are like acting them out :razz:

Good job shatterspike

anyone get anything last night, i did but anyone hear me.Check my DJ for more.

I had my 2nd Lucid Dream last night :yay: :yay: :yay: !!!

It was incredible I’ll copy it here.

The Video game and some flying and Sky Island!..

So I’m playing this video game and I’m the guy you control. The game is basically a do-whatever-you-want game kinda like GTA. So I’m makin myself fly in the game and it looks really fun so I decide to do a RC and it turned out [LD]i could breathe through my nose! I instantly teleport to the scene of where the video game is which turns out to be a country side with a large field and woods on the edge. I see a woman that looks like Angelina Jolie from Fantasic 4 and I realize its the Invisible woman, I try to approach her to ask her something but she turns invisible and runs away. So then I climb a small hill on the countryside and take off like superman! (It was Incredible!) I’ve never felt so much adreniline in my life (besides a near death experience but i wont get into that) I was gettign higher and higher and realized other people were flying as well but they were just floating nad i had to dodge them so i wouldnt make a collsion. So I’m flying around havin AWESOME fun for about 5 minutes and then I can see Manhattan Island (In the heart of New York City) in the horizon so i fly towards it and make it turn into night time (because nighttime in New York is UBER COOL!) I land in Times Square and see a poster that is talking about sharing something (It was the dream world so it was uncelar) and i rememberd about shared dreaming so I yelled, SKY ISLAND, NOW! and i opened my eyes and New York was transforming into a small dark room with dorm (college) type rooms. I see somebody and i say “Chonicler?” and he nods. I give him my password which is banana and i suddently see pirates invading Sky Island so I get too excited/scared and i loose lucidity.

Escape to Sky Island
Rated: G
Lucid Dream

I’ll skip to the part that actually matters. I was on a bus. Apparently we escaping some bad guys or something. They were mostly after the bus driver though. My siblings were on the bus too. My brother was going on how the bad guys (Yes, we called the “bad guys” in the dream) were probably going to set up traps on the road. And just as he said that, an evil looking black car started coming at us on the highway head on. It seemed as though there was no place to go but our bus driver was cool and made a sharp turn to the right and we started drifting off the road and ended up on the other highway.[LD] I became lucid at this point. I was very tempted to stay on the bus because I had a feeling this road chase would get intense but MMN said he would be at Sky Island and I said that I would see him there, so that’s what I decided to do.

I stood up on my seat and forced myself through the ceiling of the bus so now I was on the roof. Then, thinking about the Animal Clan, I spread out my arms and transformed into a bat which made flight much, much easier. I even did tricks in the air just for fun. When I looked down at the ground, I still saw highway and the bus. I flipped around a few times (the bat version of spinning) until I saw that ocean was below me because I knew that Sky Island was over water. I flew higher and higher until I could see it. For some reason my vision at this point started switching from 1st to 3rd person and back. I don’t know how but now I know how to change the view of my LD’s if I want. (I also realized I was the wrong species of bat)
Since this was near the end of the dream, my vision started getting weird. Panicked, I flew as close as I could to MMN and yelled out “SEAN!”. Then I woke up.[/LD]

I PM’d him but he said he wasn’t on Sky Island last night.

Nice dream, getting closer huh.

Has anyone actually reached together yet?

Unfortunately, no.

I’ve also suffered from a severe lack of motivation.

and what seems to be causing everyones lack of motivation?

Is it because there has been no 100% hit? passion died? people just stoped trying?

I remember reading all of yours posts when you first started and then it just seemed to fade away, will you all be hitting it back up hard at a later date?

Have you ever heard the saying “most people stop running one step from the finish line” ? Maybe you are all closer then you think

keep trying, people, we all believe in you :smile:

Alright, this dream sort of ties in with the LD4all phone directory too…

Where’s My Locker?
…I was walking through an upstairs hallway at my school during passing period. I’m in a hurry to get to my locker (which is midway down the hall IRL), and I suddenly looked up to find that I’d passed it. Confused and annoyed, I turned around and started walking back down the hall… and suddenly I was past it again. I made a mental note to get more sleep and turned around again, this time trying hard to observe every detail so I wouldn’t pass it again. Then I stopped dead — I could see the fire extinguisher that meant I was getting close, and then… nothing. I quickly did a nose RC and was lucid! I felt really unstable, so I rubbed my hands together and tried to focus on the dream. The dream kept fading, though, so I started spinning, and ended up teleporting into a large workout/wrestling room with lots of mirrors along the walls (not at all familiar to me… :eh: ). Feeling a lot more lucid, I looked around and saw a large group of DCs jogging around the room and warming up in sweatshirts and workout gear; looking down, I saw that I was dressed about the same. Suddenly I remembered my goal and started running around shouting, “Calling all Chroniclers!!!” (which wasn’t really the most efficient way of doing things :tongue: ). The DCs all freaked out like I was yelling at them, and they all gathered into a fearful group in the far corner of the room. I Jogged up to them and asked if any of them had a phone that I could borrow (thinking of the “Can I Have Your Number?” topic), but one of them faced me and told me that they didn’t have any. I turned around them and saw a desk in the other corner of the room (probably right behind where I teleported) with a nice phone sitting on it. I picked up the receiver and tried to think of who to call, and I remembered that Download’s number is 1565 (why I remembered, I don’t know… I guess because it’s in his sig?). I had a little trouble dialing, but I managed to get a ring. Someone with a very deep voice picked up and grumbled for a bit before saying hello (seemed like I’d woken them up… at this point, I didn’t think that it was actually Download, but I decided to just go with it).
“Hello, this is underscore,” I said (…well, what else am I going to say? :tongue: ).
more grumbling and nonsense from the other end
“Do you know why I’m calling?”
grumble… yes.”
“You’re dreaming, dude,” I said, and hanged up. (I’m generally a LOT better at holding a normal conversation than that :rofl: )
After hanging up, I decided to try to get to Sky Island, so I darted outside and looked up to find a crazy purple-ish black night sky with dusty orange clouds :eh: . I kept looking for the island, but suddenly got really distracted as a UFO shot across the sky, followed by a larger ship and a covenant dropship (from Halo 2). Totally confused, I watched as the dropship turned to face me and started to fly right at me like it was going to ram me! Forgetting my lucid powers, I yelled a curse word and dove to the side, barely avoiding getting hit… (here I pretty much lost lucidity :sad: ).

Yeah… I’m 13… my voice isn’t that deep :tongue:

But anyways, congrats on nearly SDing… and remembering my number!

Oh, and you should work on dream-social-interactions… I mean… if you think I’m going to grumble on the phone, you’re wrong… unless I’m having a weird WEIRD dream…


That DOES sound like something I would do, though…

Yeah, that’s definitely true. I guess I wasn’t quite as lucid as I thought, seeing as how I just sort of went along with it and all that… phone conversations in dreams are always really weird and abrupt for me XD.

ok so this dream kinda goes in 4 diff categories. Sky island, OBE, Testing the realness of DC, and LD inside a dream ( and if anybody could find that topic for me. that would be great)

ok so im in walmart with some friends. there are alot of celebs. hot ones. so i try to make out with them. then we see a skeleton (fake one) and we move this bone. its pretty fun. i then see a ant on the ground. i follow it to a door. (its like a doggy door) and i duck under to get inside a kitchen. i go upstairs to see a bathroom. and someone is drying off from a shower. she is hot. and is bending over lol. i watch and try not to be noticed. i then go downstairs and precede to take a nap cause im tired.
im half asleep when i notice im in a dream (a dream in a dream) its very vivid. it looks like im in italy and its sunny day. noon.
the first guy i see. i ask if he is a DC in waking life. he says " in your dreams" ( maybe in the dream i was in. or real life. or the one im in right now)
i see another one and he says. use images and a dictonary as sources in your book. (i look at him like he is an idiot)
then i start to wake up. so i close my eyes and try to remember what they said.
(i keep walking)
i then open my eyes and try to make my left become my right and vice versa. (like a mirror)
doesnt work.
try to teleport to sky island doesnt work. i end up on a highway.
i then see a car driving toward me (from behind me) and try to fly to sky island. i get 20 feet up and just come back down.
i decide to become a rocket and everytime i flap my arms it boosts. so i do that really fast. im way high now. and getting tired. all a sudden i shoot out from my head and am sitting up in my room i realize its an OBE. i see my desk. then my vision gets all weird. (like crossing your eyes with 9 eyes!)
i go back in my head after awhile and fade into a dream only remembering looking at my phone reading about OBE and LD.

not sure if it was a real OBE tho.[/list]

I’ve been having trouble getting lucid lately, and I’ve no idea why. Can someone please help me/give some advice? :help:

I tried several times to get to Sky Island just last night. It took me to a floating version of Easter Island, a floating version of Disneyland, and a floating version of Skull Island. :tongue: How many of these things are there in the collective SC?

I like this chroniclers stuff. Im going to do this. But first…why don’t you all go to SD school? For real though. How do you expect to be able to SD without knowing how it works? There may be some key, like you all need to know each others personal energy signature in order for you SC to lock on to each other or something. Or maybe just a name, or something unique. Or maybe geographical location. Or maybe latitude and longitude? Or an area like a city(I don’t want anyone’s privacy being infiltrated), but something for your mind to pinpoint the persons location so that you all can have a shared dream. Unless you meet on the AP…Maybe a picture or something? Hell, I have a youtube account called mortclyde, look me up, and see if we can SD. How long did it take you all to ride a bike? I’m sure SD is a hell of a lot harder. :smile:. However, I think it is easy, I just think there is a trick to it :smile:. Something that we are missing, like combining RV with it. GAME ON though. I am totally going to Sky Island and am going to build something that is going to be very particular for you all to explain once you see it. I’ll tell you all when its built, and just PM me the details when you come across it. Namaste

I haven’t been participating in this because it’s really hard for me to get lucid, but I must say that [iammoto]'s idea makes tonnes of sense to me.

Are people still active in this, or is this a legacy group? If there is activity somewhere out there, I would be interested in possibly getting involved.

I certainly haven’t been involved in quite awhile. However, you’re welcome to join if you like and try to resurrect interest. If you me to add you to the group, go ahead and send me a PM.