These things they clear themselves up on their own.
You want to quit anything, sex, cigarettes, drinking, but you also want to keep doing it, and your body might be married to the chemical so much that sudden divorce causes terrible emotional flare ups.
Well, t hese things just happen. You all have inside you a reasoning that is stronger than any passion of the body, but you don’t really ever take the reasoning for a walk, so it is lame and emotive and crippled and has no confidence, in worst case scenario, or in best case scenario you are a master of the physical universe and have transcended all desires, congratulations either way.
But you really don’t “quit” you graduate so one day you are like “no more cigs” and however you do it, its easy enough, if you withdrawal even, you might do it cold turkey, realize that way is terrible, and enjoy gradually weaning yourself off. Whatever it is it comes with an inertia that cannot be stopped because everything inside of you knows through the intellect that it just has to go, and the intellect beats to a bloody pulp any emotive monsters that come up and try to convince it to go back to the darkside.
So when you’ve really had enough it won’t be a struggle it will be like waking from a dream and the “addiction” is over, the only complication is the physical body’s withdrawals but these will also be handled properly by the intuitive knowing that is stronger than any passion.
the mind of someone that fully overcomes a strong habit is a beautiful beautiful mind
it does not mind the suffering that starving the demons to death cuases him, but rejoices in knowing that it is being baptised through this suffering and will emerge stronger, and that the pain is only temporary
it is also respectful and reasonable about its health and will not put itself in jeapoardy for the sake of proving a point, as there are drugs (even legal ones) that can cause great peril if suddenly quit
what you have to do is take this mind for a walk
understand that when someone smokes it is as if they are a walking corpse that breathes in and out smoke, visualzie any smoker as leaving a trail of choking smoke everywhere they go, that during no time of the day do they ever breathe clean air, that their every inhalation and exhlalation is of a putrid smoke that gags them to death, and their very existence is to choke to death without ever dying
see them as horrible demons, putrid disgusting and horribly deluded, who are holding in their hands a burning hot red coal that, if only they would let it go, would be able to breathe in the most beautiful clean mountain air and free themselves from their perpetual death rattle
because if all you can see is SMOKING MAKES ME FEEL GOOD
you won’t make it to the other side you have to use your imagination
which means you have to want to
i know the truth about smoking anything, even pot, that it messes your aura up and causes harm, and knowing this, and FEELING THE ENERGY of people who smoke is enough
what is dangerous about our world is that we are perptually blasphemous, if you believe that sex or drugs are holy, then you won’t have an addiction but if you treat them like products to be consumed like a piggy wiggy then you will hurt yourself
the natives used to revere tobacco as so holy, so no wonder they didn’t have problems being addicted to it?
is it right to be that way ? you have to use your mind if you don’t use your mind it will use you and make you its biatch and push you around everywhere saying “i know you know this is wrong, BUT DO IT ANYWAY”