Competition Rankings for December

Give me one.

Hopefully this is a good month for me because I have 2 weeks off to do NOTHING!

I’ve got total of 6,5. I hope that weekend will give some more.

A halfer for last night, bringing me up to 2.5. Didn`t get the damned champagne bottle to materialize… :grrr:

1 + 1 uber long one gives me 2 for a total of 3 this month.

I had a LD this night. It was really cool :smile: The first one since October too.

Another making 4.

One in weekend and one today gives me 8.5 as total. Not bad, I’m still second one!

But I need 9.5 of them to reach Lucidicy_Master level, It’s more than twice I had O_o

Only 1 in December :neutral:

finally another!


Two .5’s since I posted here last so 5 so far.

Another one, making 9,5 and defencing first position in peleton, second overall.


My 100th LD ^^

yaaaaaay congrats on 100 ld’s!

+1 for me =]


Another .5 making 5.5.

Another last night for 6.5

Two (that’s right: TWO) today! :happy:

+2 = 3

Finally my mini drought ends, had 2 this morning with some spiderman action and some magic tricks oooo … 2 for this month yay!

Wow…talk about lower than usual, I’v hardly had any time to even relax with studying for finals and such and it has had a drastic impact on LD numbers.


+0.5 !!!11!!!1!!!11!1one

at least I recodenized that I was dreaming…while dreaming in dream :confused: Anyways, short LD break…

+1 i[/i]
+2 i[/i]

= 6 :yay:

+1 = 4
